Expand description

Errors that can occur when calling the service.



You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action.

Error type for the BatchEvaluateFeature operation.

A resource was in an inconsistent state during an update or a deletion.

Error type for the CreateExperiment operation.

Error type for the CreateFeature operation.

Error type for the CreateLaunch operation.

Error type for the CreateProject operation.

Error type for the DeleteExperiment operation.

Error type for the DeleteFeature operation.

Error type for the DeleteLaunch operation.

Error type for the DeleteProject operation.

Error type for the EvaluateFeature operation.

Error type for the GetExperiment operation.

Error type for the GetExperimentResults operation.

Error type for the GetFeature operation.

Error type for the GetLaunch operation.

Error type for the GetProject operation.

Unexpected error while processing the request. Retry the request.

Error type for the ListExperiments operation.

Error type for the ListFeatures operation.

Error type for the ListLaunches operation.

Error type for the ListProjects operation.

Error type for the ListTagsForResource operation.

Error type for the PutProjectEvents operation.

The request references a resource that does not exist.

The request would cause a service quota to be exceeded.

The service was unavailable. Retry the request.

Error type for the StartExperiment operation.

Error type for the StartLaunch operation.

Error type for the StopExperiment operation.

Error type for the StopLaunch operation.

Error type for the TagResource operation.

The request was denied because of request throttling. Retry the request.

Error type for the UntagResource operation.

Error type for the UpdateExperiment operation.

Error type for the UpdateFeature operation.

Error type for the UpdateLaunch operation.

Error type for the UpdateProjectDataDelivery operation.

Error type for the UpdateProject operation.

The value of a parameter in the request caused an error.


Types of errors that can occur for the BatchEvaluateFeature operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateExperiment operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateFeature operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateLaunch operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateProject operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteExperiment operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteFeature operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteLaunch operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteProject operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the EvaluateFeature operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetExperiment operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetExperimentResults operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetFeature operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetLaunch operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetProject operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListExperiments operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListFeatures operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListLaunches operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListProjects operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListTagsForResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the PutProjectEvents operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the StartExperiment operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the StartLaunch operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the StopExperiment operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the StopLaunch operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the TagResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UntagResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateExperiment operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateFeature operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateLaunch operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateProjectDataDelivery operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateProject operation.