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An unusual cost pattern. This consists of the detailed metadata and the current status of the anomaly object.

The time period for an anomaly.

This object continuously inspects your account's cost data for anomalies. It's based on MonitorType and MonitorSpecification. The content consists of detailed metadata and the current status of the monitor object.

Quantifies the anomaly. The higher score means that it's more anomalous.

The association between a monitor, threshold, and list of subscribers used to deliver notifications about anomalies detected by a monitor that exceeds a threshold. The content consists of the detailed metadata and the current status of the AnomalySubscription object.

The structure of Cost Categories. This includes detailed metadata and the set of rules for the CostCategory object.

When creating or updating a cost category, you can define the CostCategoryRule rule type as INHERITED_VALUE. This rule type adds the flexibility of defining a rule that dynamically inherits the cost category value from the dimension value defined by CostCategoryInheritedValueDimension. For example, if you want to dynamically group costs that are based on the value of a specific tag key, first choose an inherited value rule type, then choose the tag dimension and specify the tag key to use.

The list of processing statuses for Cost Management products for a specific cost category.

A reference to a Cost Category containing only enough information to identify the Cost Category.

Rules are processed in order. If there are multiple rules that match the line item, then the first rule to match is used to determine that Cost Category value.

Use the split charge rule to split the cost of one Cost Category value across several other target values.

The parameters for a split charge method.

The Cost Categories values used for filtering the costs.

The amount of instance usage that a reservation covered.

Reservation coverage for a specified period, in hours.

How much it costs to run an instance.

How long a running instance either used a reservation or was On-Demand.

The amount of instance usage, in normalized units. You can use normalized units to see your EC2 usage for multiple sizes of instances in a uniform way. For example, suppose that you run an xlarge instance and a 2xlarge instance. If you run both instances for the same amount of time, the 2xlarge instance uses twice as much of your reservation as the xlarge instance, even though both instances show only one instance-hour. When you use normalized units instead of instance-hours, the xlarge instance used 8 normalized units, and the 2xlarge instance used 16 normalized units.

Context about the current instance.

The time period of the request.

The metadata that you can use to filter and group your results. You can use GetDimensionValues to find specific values.

The metadata of a specific type that you can use to filter and group your results. You can use GetDimensionValues to find specific values.

The field that contains a list of disk (local storage) metrics that are associated with the current instance.

The EBS field that contains a list of EBS metrics that are associated with the current instance.

Details about the Amazon EC2 instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.

Details on the Amazon EC2 Resource.

Utilization metrics of the instance.

The Amazon EC2 hardware specifications that you want Amazon Web Services to provide recommendations for.

Details about the Amazon ElastiCache instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.

Details about the Amazon OpenSearch Service instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.

Use Expression to filter by cost or by usage. There are two patterns:

The forecast that's created for your query.

One level of grouped data in the results.

Represents a group when you specify a group by criteria or in the response to a query with a specific grouping.

The dollar value of the anomaly.

Details about the instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.

The aggregated value for a metric.

Details on the modification recommendation.

The network field that contains a list of network metrics that are associated with the current instance.

Details about the Amazon RDS instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.

Details about the Amazon Redshift instances that Amazon Web Services recommends that you purchase.

The aggregated numbers for your reservation usage.

A group of reservations that share a set of attributes.

A specific reservation that Amazon Web Services recommends for purchase.

Details about your recommended reservation purchase.

Information about this specific recommendation, such as the timestamp for when Amazon Web Services made a specific recommendation.

A summary about this recommendation, such as the currency code, the amount that Amazon Web Services estimates that you could save, and the total amount of reservation to purchase.

A group of reservations that share a set of attributes.

Details on the resource.

Resource utilization of current resource.

The result that's associated with a time period.

Recommendations to rightsize resources.

You can use RightsizingRecommendationConfiguration to customize recommendations across two attributes. You can choose to view recommendations for instances within the same instance families or across different instance families. You can also choose to view your estimated savings that are associated with recommendations with consideration of existing Savings Plans or RI benefits, or neither.

Metadata for this recommendation set.

The summary of rightsizing recommendations

The combination of Amazon Web Services service, linked account, Region, and usage type where a cost anomaly is observed.

The amortized amount of Savings Plans purchased in a specific account during a specific time interval.

The amount of Savings Plans eligible usage that is covered by Savings Plans. All calculations consider the On-Demand equivalent of your Savings Plans usage.

Specific coverage percentage, On-Demand costs, and spend covered by Savings Plans, and total Savings Plans costs for an account.

The attribute details on a specific Savings Plan.

Contains your request parameters, Savings Plan Recommendations Summary, and Details.

Details for your recommended Savings Plans.

Metadata about your Savings Plans Purchase Recommendations.

Summary metrics for your Savings Plans Purchase Recommendations.

The amount of savings that you're accumulating, against the public On-Demand rate of the usage accrued in an account.

The measurement of how well you're using your existing Savings Plans.

The aggregated utilization metrics for your Savings Plans usage.

The amount of Savings Plans utilization, in hours.

A single daily or monthly Savings Plans utilization rate, and details for your account. A management account in an organization have access to member accounts. You can use GetDimensionValues to determine the possible dimension values.

Hardware specifications for the service that you want recommendations for.

The details of how to sort the data.

The recipient of AnomalySubscription notifications.

The values that are available for a tag.

Details on recommended instance.

Details on termination recommendation.

Filters cost anomalies based on the total impact.

The amount of utilization, in hours.
