Module aws_sdk_connect::error

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All error types that operations can return. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.



You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action.

Error type for the AssociateApprovedOrigin operation.
Error type for the AssociateBot operation.
Error type for the AssociateDefaultVocabulary operation.
Error type for the AssociateInstanceStorageConfig operation.
Error type for the AssociateLambdaFunction operation.
Error type for the AssociateLexBot operation.
Error type for the AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlow operation.
Error type for the AssociateQueueQuickConnects operation.
Error type for the AssociateRoutingProfileQueues operation.
Error type for the AssociateSecurityKey operation.
Error type for the ClaimPhoneNumber operation.

The flow has not been published.

The contact with the specified ID is not active or does not exist. Applies to Voice calls only, not to Chat, Task, or Voice Callback.

Error type for the CreateAgentStatus operation.
Error type for the CreateContactFlow operation.
Error type for the CreateContactFlowModule operation.
Error type for the CreateHoursOfOperation operation.
Error type for the CreateInstance operation.
Error type for the CreateIntegrationAssociation operation.
Error type for the CreateQueue operation.
Error type for the CreateQuickConnect operation.
Error type for the CreateRoutingProfile operation.
Error type for the CreateRule operation.
Error type for the CreateSecurityProfile operation.
Error type for the CreateTaskTemplate operation.
Error type for the CreateTrafficDistributionGroup operation.
Error type for the CreateUseCase operation.
Error type for the CreateUser operation.
Error type for the CreateUserHierarchyGroup operation.
Error type for the CreateVocabulary operation.
Error type for the DeleteContactFlow operation.
Error type for the DeleteContactFlowModule operation.
Error type for the DeleteHoursOfOperation operation.
Error type for the DeleteInstance operation.
Error type for the DeleteIntegrationAssociation operation.
Error type for the DeleteQuickConnect operation.
Error type for the DeleteRule operation.
Error type for the DeleteSecurityProfile operation.
Error type for the DeleteTaskTemplate operation.
Error type for the DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup operation.
Error type for the DeleteUseCase operation.
Error type for the DeleteUser operation.
Error type for the DeleteUserHierarchyGroup operation.
Error type for the DeleteVocabulary operation.
Error type for the DescribeAgentStatus operation.
Error type for the DescribeContact operation.
Error type for the DescribeContactFlow operation.
Error type for the DescribeContactFlowModule operation.
Error type for the DescribeHoursOfOperation operation.
Error type for the DescribeInstanceAttribute operation.
Error type for the DescribeInstance operation.
Error type for the DescribeInstanceStorageConfig operation.
Error type for the DescribePhoneNumber operation.
Error type for the DescribeQueue operation.
Error type for the DescribeQuickConnect operation.
Error type for the DescribeRoutingProfile operation.
Error type for the DescribeRule operation.
Error type for the DescribeSecurityProfile operation.
Error type for the DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup operation.
Error type for the DescribeUser operation.
Error type for the DescribeUserHierarchyGroup operation.
Error type for the DescribeUserHierarchyStructure operation.
Error type for the DescribeVocabulary operation.

Outbound calls to the destination number are not allowed.

Error type for the DisassociateApprovedOrigin operation.
Error type for the DisassociateBot operation.
Error type for the DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig operation.
Error type for the DisassociateLambdaFunction operation.
Error type for the DisassociateLexBot operation.
Error type for the DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow operation.
Error type for the DisassociateQueueQuickConnects operation.
Error type for the DisassociateRoutingProfileQueues operation.
Error type for the DisassociateSecurityKey operation.
Error type for the DismissUserContact operation.

A resource with the specified name already exists.

Error type for the GetContactAttributes operation.
Error type for the GetCurrentMetricData operation.
Error type for the GetCurrentUserData operation.
Error type for the GetFederationToken operation.
Error type for the GetMetricData operation.
Error type for the GetTaskTemplate operation.
Error type for the GetTrafficDistribution operation.

An entity with the same name already exists.

Request processing failed because of an error or failure with the service.

The flow is not valid.

The problems with the module. Please fix before trying again.

One or more of the specified parameters are not valid.

The request is not valid.

The allowed limit for the resource has been exceeded.

Error type for the ListAgentStatuses operation.
Error type for the ListApprovedOrigins operation.
Error type for the ListBots operation.
Error type for the ListContactFlowModules operation.
Error type for the ListContactFlows operation.
Error type for the ListContactReferences operation.
Error type for the ListDefaultVocabularies operation.
Error type for the ListHoursOfOperations operation.
Error type for the ListInstanceAttributes operation.
Error type for the ListInstanceStorageConfigs operation.
Error type for the ListInstances operation.
Error type for the ListIntegrationAssociations operation.
Error type for the ListLambdaFunctions operation.
Error type for the ListLexBots operation.
Error type for the ListPhoneNumbers operation.
Error type for the ListPhoneNumbersV2 operation.
Error type for the ListPrompts operation.
Error type for the ListQueueQuickConnects operation.
Error type for the ListQueues operation.
Error type for the ListQuickConnects operation.
Error type for the ListRoutingProfileQueues operation.
Error type for the ListRoutingProfiles operation.
Error type for the ListRules operation.
Error type for the ListSecurityKeys operation.
Error type for the ListSecurityProfilePermissions operation.
Error type for the ListSecurityProfiles operation.
Error type for the ListTagsForResource operation.
Error type for the ListTaskTemplates operation.
Error type for the ListTrafficDistributionGroups operation.
Error type for the ListUseCases operation.
Error type for the ListUserHierarchyGroups operation.
Error type for the ListUsers operation.
Error type for the MonitorContact operation.

The contact is not permitted.

The property is not valid.

Error type for the PutUserStatus operation.
Error type for the ReleasePhoneNumber operation.
Error type for the ReplicateInstance operation.

A resource already has that name.

That resource is already in use. Please try another.

The specified resource was not found.

The resource is not ready.

Error type for the ResumeContactRecording operation.
Error type for the SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers operation.
Error type for the SearchQueues operation.
Error type for the SearchRoutingProfiles operation.
Error type for the SearchSecurityProfiles operation.
Error type for the SearchUsers operation.
Error type for the SearchVocabularies operation.

The service quota has been exceeded.

Error type for the StartChatContact operation.
Error type for the StartContactRecording operation.
Error type for the StartContactStreaming operation.
Error type for the StartOutboundVoiceContact operation.
Error type for the StartTaskContact operation.
Error type for the StopContact operation.
Error type for the StopContactRecording operation.
Error type for the StopContactStreaming operation.
Error type for the SuspendContactRecording operation.
Error type for the TagResource operation.

The throttling limit has been exceeded.

Error type for the TransferContact operation.
An unexpected error occurred (e.g., invalid JSON returned by the service or an unknown error code).
Error type for the UntagResource operation.
Error type for the UpdateAgentStatus operation.
Error type for the UpdateContactAttributes operation.
Error type for the UpdateContact operation.
Error type for the UpdateContactFlowContent operation.
Error type for the UpdateContactFlowMetadata operation.
Error type for the UpdateContactFlowModuleContent operation.
Error type for the UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadata operation.
Error type for the UpdateContactFlowName operation.
Error type for the UpdateContactSchedule operation.
Error type for the UpdateHoursOfOperation operation.
Error type for the UpdateInstanceAttribute operation.
Error type for the UpdateInstanceStorageConfig operation.
Error type for the UpdateParticipantRoleConfig operation.
Error type for the UpdatePhoneNumber operation.
Error type for the UpdateQueueHoursOfOperation operation.
Error type for the UpdateQueueMaxContacts operation.
Error type for the UpdateQueueName operation.
Error type for the UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfig operation.
Error type for the UpdateQueueStatus operation.
Error type for the UpdateQuickConnectConfig operation.
Error type for the UpdateQuickConnectName operation.
Error type for the UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrency operation.
Error type for the UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue operation.
Error type for the UpdateRoutingProfileName operation.
Error type for the UpdateRoutingProfileQueues operation.
Error type for the UpdateRule operation.
Error type for the UpdateSecurityProfile operation.
Error type for the UpdateTaskTemplate operation.
Error type for the UpdateTrafficDistribution operation.
Error type for the UpdateUserHierarchy operation.
Error type for the UpdateUserHierarchyGroupName operation.
Error type for the UpdateUserHierarchyStructure operation.
Error type for the UpdateUserIdentityInfo operation.
Error type for the UpdateUserPhoneConfig operation.
Error type for the UpdateUserRoutingProfile operation.
Error type for the UpdateUserSecurityProfiles operation.

No user with the specified credentials was found in the Amazon Connect instance.


Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateApprovedOrigin operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateBot operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateDefaultVocabulary operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateInstanceStorageConfig operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateLambdaFunction operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateLexBot operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlow operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateQueueQuickConnects operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateRoutingProfileQueues operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateSecurityKey operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ClaimPhoneNumber operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateAgentStatus operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateContactFlow operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateContactFlowModule operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateHoursOfOperation operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateInstance operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateIntegrationAssociation operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateQueue operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateQuickConnect operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateRoutingProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateRule operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateSecurityProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateTaskTemplate operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateTrafficDistributionGroup operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateUseCase operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateUser operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateUserHierarchyGroup operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateVocabulary operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteContactFlow operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteContactFlowModule operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteHoursOfOperation operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteInstance operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteIntegrationAssociation operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteQuickConnect operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteRule operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteSecurityProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteTaskTemplate operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteUseCase operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteUser operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteUserHierarchyGroup operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteVocabulary operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeAgentStatus operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeContact operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeContactFlow operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeContactFlowModule operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeHoursOfOperation operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeInstanceAttribute operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeInstance operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeInstanceStorageConfig operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribePhoneNumber operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeQueue operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeQuickConnect operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeRoutingProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeRule operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeSecurityProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeUser operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeUserHierarchyGroup operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeUserHierarchyStructure operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeVocabulary operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateApprovedOrigin operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateBot operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateLambdaFunction operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateLexBot operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateQueueQuickConnects operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateRoutingProfileQueues operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateSecurityKey operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DismissUserContact operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetContactAttributes operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetCurrentMetricData operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetCurrentUserData operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetFederationToken operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetMetricData operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetTaskTemplate operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetTrafficDistribution operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListAgentStatuses operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListApprovedOrigins operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListBots operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListContactFlowModules operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListContactFlows operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListContactReferences operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListDefaultVocabularies operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListHoursOfOperations operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListInstanceAttributes operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListInstanceStorageConfigs operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListInstances operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListIntegrationAssociations operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListLambdaFunctions operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListLexBots operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListPhoneNumbers operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListPhoneNumbersV2 operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListPrompts operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListQueueQuickConnects operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListQueues operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListQuickConnects operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListRoutingProfileQueues operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListRoutingProfiles operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListRules operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListSecurityKeys operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListSecurityProfilePermissions operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListSecurityProfiles operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListTagsForResource operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListTaskTemplates operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListTrafficDistributionGroups operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListUseCases operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListUserHierarchyGroups operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListUsers operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the MonitorContact operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the PutUserStatus operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ReleasePhoneNumber operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ReplicateInstance operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ResumeContactRecording operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the SearchQueues operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the SearchRoutingProfiles operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the SearchSecurityProfiles operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the SearchUsers operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the SearchVocabularies operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StartChatContact operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StartContactRecording operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StartContactStreaming operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StartOutboundVoiceContact operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StartTaskContact operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StopContact operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StopContactRecording operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StopContactStreaming operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the SuspendContactRecording operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the TagResource operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the TransferContact operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UntagResource operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateAgentStatus operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateContactAttributes operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateContact operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateContactFlowContent operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateContactFlowMetadata operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateContactFlowModuleContent operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadata operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateContactFlowName operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateContactSchedule operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateHoursOfOperation operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateInstanceAttribute operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateInstanceStorageConfig operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateParticipantRoleConfig operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdatePhoneNumber operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateQueueHoursOfOperation operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateQueueMaxContacts operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateQueueName operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfig operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateQueueStatus operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateQuickConnectConfig operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateQuickConnectName operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrency operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateRoutingProfileName operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateRoutingProfileQueues operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateRule operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateSecurityProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateTaskTemplate operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateTrafficDistribution operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateUserHierarchy operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateUserHierarchyGroupName operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateUserHierarchyStructure operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateUserIdentityInfo operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateUserPhoneConfig operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateUserRoutingProfile operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateUserSecurityProfiles operation.