Module aws_sdk_codegurureviewer::error[][src]

Expand description

Errors that can occur when calling the service.



You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.

Error type for the AssociateRepository operation.

The requested operation would cause a conflict with the current state of a service

Error type for the CreateCodeReview operation.

Error type for the DescribeCodeReview operation.

Error type for the DescribeRecommendationFeedback operation.

Error type for the DescribeRepositoryAssociation operation.

Error type for the DisassociateRepository operation.

The server encountered an internal error and is unable to complete the request.

Error type for the ListCodeReviews operation.

Error type for the ListRecommendationFeedback operation.

Error type for the ListRecommendations operation.

Error type for the ListRepositoryAssociations operation.

Error type for the ListTagsForResource operation.

The resource specified in the request was not found.

Error type for the PutRecommendationFeedback operation.

Error type for the TagResource operation.

The request was denied due to request throttling.

Error type for the UntagResource operation.

The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.


Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateRepository operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateCodeReview operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeCodeReview operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeRecommendationFeedback operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeRepositoryAssociation operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateRepository operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListCodeReviews operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListRecommendationFeedback operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListRecommendations operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListRepositoryAssociations operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListTagsForResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the PutRecommendationFeedback operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the TagResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UntagResource operation.