Crate avassa_client

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Library for interacting with an Avassa system.

Avassa Client

The first interaction is to login into the system

async fn main() -> Result<(), avassa_client::Error> {
    use avassa_client::Client;

    // API CA certificate loaded
    let ca_cert = Vec::new();

    // Use login using platform provided application token
    let approle_id = "secret approle id";
    let client = Client::builder()
        .application_login("", Some(approle_id)).await?;

    // Username and password authentication, good during the development phase
    let client = Client::builder()
        .login("", "joe", "secret").await?;



Create a Volga producer and consumer

async fn main() -> Result<(), avassa_client::Error> {
    use avassa_client::Client;

    // API CA certificate loaded
    let ca_cert = Vec::new();

    // Use login using platform provided application token
    let approle_id = "secret approle id";
    let client = Client::builder()
        .application_login("", Some(approle_id)).await?;

    // Clone to move into async closure
    let producer_client = client.clone();

    tokio::spawn(async move {
        let mut producer = producer_client.volga_open_producer(

           "msg": "The Message",
        Ok::<_, avassa_client::Error>(())

    let mut consumer = client.volga_open_consumer(

    let message = consumer.consume::<String>().await?;

    assert_eq!(message.payload, "test message");


Strongbox clients
Library for producing and consuming Volga messages.


The Client is used for all interaction with Control Tower or Edge Enforcer instances. Use one of the login functions to create an instance.
Builder for an Avassa Client
Description of an error from the REST APIs
List of REST API error messages


Error returned by client functions

Type Definitions

Result type