Crate avassa_client

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Library for interacting with an Avassa system.

Avassa Client

The first interaction is to login into the system

async fn main() -> Result<(), avassa_client::Error> {
    use avassa_client::Client;

    // API CA certificate loaded
    let ca_cert = Vec::new();

    // Use login using platform provided application token
    let approle_id = "secret approle id";
    let client = Client::builder()
        .application_login("", Some(approle_id)).await?;

    // Username and password authentication, good during the development phase
    let client = Client::builder()
        .login("", "joe", "secret").await?;



Create a Volga producer and consumer

async fn main() -> Result<(), avassa_client::Error> {
    use avassa_client::Client;

    // API CA certificate loaded
    let ca_cert = Vec::new();

    // Use login using platform provided application token
    let approle_id = "secret approle id";
    let client = Client::builder()
        .application_login("", Some(approle_id)).await?;

    // Clone to move into async closure
    let producer_client = client.clone();

    tokio::spawn(async move {
        let mut producer = producer_client.volga_open_producer(

           "msg": "The Message",
        Ok::<_, avassa_client::Error>(())

    let mut consumer = client.volga_open_consumer(

    let message = consumer.consume::<String>().await?;

    assert_eq!(message.payload, "test message");


  • Strongbox clients
  • Library for producing and consuming Volga messages.


  • The Client is used for all interaction with Control Tower or Edge Enforcer instances. Use one of the login functions to create an instance.
  • Builder for an Avassa Client
  • Description of an error from the REST APIs
  • List of REST API error messages


  • Error returned by client functions

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