Module avalanche_types::proto::pb::p2p

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Nested message and enum types in Message.


Message that contains the list of accepted block/vertex IDs in response to “get_accepted”. For instance, on receiving “get_accepted” that contains the sender’s accepted frontier IDs, the X-chain engine responds only with the accepted vertex IDs of the X-chain DAG.
Message that contains the list of accepted frontier in response to “get_accepted_frontier”. For instance, on receiving “get_accepted_frontier”, the X-chain engine responds with the accepted frontier of X-chain DAG.
Message that contains the container bytes of the ancestors in response to “get_ancestors”.
Message that contains the votes/preferences of the local node, in response to “push_query” or “pull_query” (e.g., preferred frontier).
Message that requests for the container data.
Message to request for the accepted blocks/vertices of the “remote” peer. The local node sends out this message during bootstrap, following “get_accepted_frontier”. Basically, sending the list of the accepted frontier and expects the response of the accepted IDs from the remote peer.
Message to request for the accepted frontier of the “remote” peer. For instance, the accepted frontier of X-chain DAG is the set of accepted vertices that do not have any accepted descendants (i.e., frontier).
Message that requests for the ancestors (parents) of the specified container ID. The engine bootstrapper sends this message to fetch all accepted containers in its transitive path.
Represents peer-to-peer messages. Only one type can be non-null.
“peer_ack” is sent in response to a “peer_list” message. The “tx_id” should correspond to a “tx_id” in the “peer_list” message. The sender should set “timestamp” to be the latest known timestamp of a signed IP corresponding to the nodeID of “tx_id”.
Message that contains a list of peer information (IP, certs, etc.) in response to “version” message, and sent periodically to a set of validators. ref. “avalanchego/network/network#Dispatch.runtTimers”
Message that responds to a peer_list message containing the AddValidatorTxIDs from the peer_list message that we currently have in our validator set.
Message that the local node sends to its remote peers, in order to periodically check its uptime.
Contains the uptime percentage of the message receiver (remote peer) from the sender’s point of view, in response to “ping” message. Uptimes are expected to be provided as integers ranging in [0, 100].
Message that contains a preferred container ID to query other peers for their preferences of the container. For example, when a new container is issued, the engine sends out “push_query” and “pull_query” queries to ask other peers their preferences. See “avalanchego/snow/engine/common#SendMixedQuery”.
Message that contains a preferred container ID and its container bytes in order to query other peers for their preferences of the container. For example, when a new container is issued, the engine sends out “push_query” and “pull_query” queries to ask other peers their preferences. See “avalanchego/snow/engine/common#SendMixedQuery”.
Message that contains the container ID and its bytes in response to “get”.
Contains subnet id and the related observed subnet uptime of the message receiver (remote peer).
The first outbound message that the local node sends to its remote peer when the connection is established. In order for the local node to be tracked as a valid peer by the remote peer, the fields must be valid. For instance, the network ID must be matched and timestamp should be in-sync. Otherwise, the remote peer closes the connection. ref. “avalanchego/network/peer#handleVersion” ref. “Dispatch”


Encoded file descriptor set for the p2p package