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Resources on GitHub

The GitHub integration enables the automatons framework to interact with resources on GitHub. These resources are modelled as strongly-typed data types in this module, and each model maps to a resource in GitHub’s REST API.


GitHub account
Unique account id
GitHub App
App id
App name
App slug
Check run
Check run id
Check run name
Check run output
Check out output summary
Check run output title
Check suite
Check suite id
File in a repository
Git reference
Git commit SHA-1
App installation
Installation id
Software license
License key
License name
Unique account name
Minimal representation of a [CheckSuite]
Minimal representation of a [Repository]
Unique identifier used with GitHub’s GraphQL API
Organization id
Pull request
Pull request branch reference
Pull request id
Pull request number
Repository on GitHub
Repository owner and name
Repository id
Repository name
SPDX identifier


GitHub account type
Check run conclusion
Check run status
Field with multiple representations
Visibility of a resource