Crate autocxx_engine[][src]

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The core of the autocxx engine, used by both the autocxx_macro and also code generators (e.g. autocxx_build). See IncludeCppEngine for general description of how this engine works.


pub use cxx;


Some C++ content which should be written to disk and built.

All generated C++ content which should be written to disk.

Core of the autocxx engine.

A Rust file parsed by autocxx. May contain zero or more autocxx ‘engines’, i.e. the IncludeCpp class, corresponding to zero or more include_cpp macros within this file. Also contains syn::Item structures for all the rest of the Rust code, such that it can be reconstituted if necessary.


Errors which may occur in generating bindings for these C++ functions.

Errors which may occur when parsing a Rust source file to discover and interpret include_cxx macros.


The complete contents of the “rust/cxx.h” header.


Implement to learn of header files which get included by this build process, such that your build system can choose to rerun the build process if any such file changes in future.


Get the path to clang which is effective for any preprocessing operations done by autocxx.

Get clang args as if we were operating clang the same way as we operate bindgen.

Parse a Rust file, and spot any include_cpp macros within it.

Preprocess a file using the same options as is used by autocxx. Input: listing_path, output: preprocess_path.

Type Definitions

Result type.