[][src]Function audiopus_sys::opus_multistream_decoder_init

pub unsafe extern "C" fn opus_multistream_decoder_init(
    st: *mut OpusMSDecoder,
    Fs: opus_int32,
    channels: c_int,
    streams: c_int,
    coupled_streams: c_int,
    mapping: *const c_uchar
) -> c_int

Intialize a previously allocated decoder state object. The memory pointed to by \a st must be at least the size returned by opus_multistream_encoder_get_size(). This is intended for applications which use their own allocator instead of malloc. To reset a previously initialized state, use the #OPUS_RESET_STATE CTL. @see opus_multistream_decoder_create @see opus_multistream_deocder_get_size @param st OpusMSEncoder*: Multistream encoder state to initialize. @param Fs opus_int32: Sampling rate to decode at (in Hz). This must be one of 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000. @param channels int: Number of channels to output. This must be at most 255. It may be different from the number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams). @param streams int: The total number of streams coded in the input. This must be no more than 255. @param coupled_streams int: Number of streams to decode as coupled (2 channel) streams. This must be no larger than the total number of streams. Additionally, The total number of coded channels (streams + coupled_streams) must be no more than 255. @param[in] mapping const unsigned char[channels]: Mapping from coded channels to output channels, as described in @ref opus_multistream. @returns #OPUS_OK on success, or an error code (see @ref opus_errorcodes) on failure.