Crate audio_overlay

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Overlay audio samples from one array onto another. You can optionally expand the destination array.

The overlay function can be used for i8, i16, i32, i64, and f32.


use audio_overlay::overlay;
use hound::WavReader;
use rodio::buffer::SamplesBuffer;
use rodio::{OutputStream, Sink};

// Set the framerate.
let framerate: u32 = 44100;
// Load the audio clips.
// Source:
let src: Vec<i16> = WavReader::open("src.wav")
.map(|s| s.unwrap())
// Source:
let mut dst: Vec<i16> = WavReader::open("dst.wav")
.map(|s| s.unwrap())

// // Overlay the audio clips. The src clip will start 1.0 seconds after dst begins.
overlay(src.as_slice(), &mut dst, 1.0, framerate, true);

// Play the audio clips. Source:
let (_stream, stream_handle) = OutputStream::try_default().unwrap();
let source = SamplesBuffer::new(1, framerate, dst);
let sink = Sink::try_new(&stream_handle).unwrap();


  • Overlay values onto each other. The values are are added together and clamped to min/max values.
  • This is used by overlay() to get the minimum and maximum values of a given type for the purposes of overlaying data.


  • Overlay audio samples from one array onto another. You can optionally expand the destination array.