Macro atsamd_hal::bsp_peripherals

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macro_rules! bsp_peripherals {
            $( #[$peripheral_cfg:meta] )*
            $PERIPHERAL:ident {
                    $( #[$alias_cfg:meta] )*
                    $Alias:ident $(,)?
            } $(,)?
    ) => { ... };
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§Helper macro to give meaningful names to peripherals

The pac::Peripherals struct refers to each peripheral by its datasheet name. However, in the context of a BSP, peripherals can often be given more meaningful names. This macro gives BSP authors a convenient way to provide custom names for each peripheral.

§Calling the macro

The bsp_peripherals! macro takes a series of PERIPHERAL blocks. Each block starts with a peripheral name from the pac::Peripherals struct and is delimited by curly brackets. The brackets should contain a comma-separated list of alternate names for the peripheral, in PascalCase. The example below defines Uart as an alias for the SERCOM2 peripheral and DisplaySpi as an alias for the SERCOM4 peripheral.

    SERCOM2 { Uart }
    SERCOM4 { DisplaySpi }

The macro defines a type alias for each name within curly brackets. The example above would exand to

pub type Uart = pac::SERCOM2;
pub type DisplaySpi = pac::SERCOM4;

While these type aliases are useful, they do not completely separate the mapping of each peripheral from the corresponding code.

In Rust, each struct field can only have one name. Fields of the pac::Peripherals struct are named according to their datasheet identifier. Consequently, you must access the peripheral using that name. For example,

let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let uart = peripherals.SERCOM2;

To provide access to the same struct field using different names, the bsp_peripherals! macro defines another macro, periph_alias!. Based on the example above, we could use the periph_alias! macro to access the SERCOM2 peripheral without ever referring to it directly.

let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let uart = periph_alias!(peripherals.uart);

Note that the Uart alias was translated to snake_case when accessing the pac::Peripherals field. The same is true for the DisplaySpi alias.

let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let display_spi = periph_alias!(peripherals.display_spi);

§Attributes and documentation

BSP authors can also add attributes to various parts of the macro declaration. Attributes can be added to the entire PERIPHERAL block. These attributes will be propagated to every use of the corresponding PERIPHERAL. Attributes applied to each alias, on the other hand, will only be propagated to items specific to that alias, like the corresponding type alias.

    SERCOM2 {
        #[cfg(feature = "uart")]
    #[cfg(feature = "display")]
    SERCOM4 { DisplaySpi }