Module atsamd_hal::dmac

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§Direct Memory Access Controller

This library provides a type-safe API with compile-time guarantees that the peripheral and individual DMA channels are correctly configured before launching a DMA transfer.

This module currently supports most basic DMA functions, including memory-to-memory, memory-to-peripheral, peripheral-to-memory, and peripheral-to-peripheral transfers. One-shot and circular transfers are supported. More complex transfer configurations, including multi-buffer (linked-list descriptor) transfers, are not currently supported.

Transfers are supported for i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32 and f32 beat sizes.

§Enabling DMA support

You must enable the dma feature in your board support crate or final executable.

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

dma = ["atsamd-hal/dma"]

§Channels and RAM

Using DMA channels require a certain amount of RAM - 32 bytes per channel, to be exact. RAM will be not allocated unless the dma feature is enabled for the HAL. By default, half the channels available on the chip are enabled. If you need all DMA channels enabled, enable the max-channels feature in your board support crate or final executable.


dma = ["atsamd-hal/dma"]
max-channels = ["dma", "atsamd-hal/max-channels"]

RAM usage per chip family:

  • ATSAMD11 - 3 channels (default): 96 bytes

  • ATSAMD11 - 6 channels (max): 192 bytes

  • ATSAMD21 - 6 channels (default): 192 bytes

  • ATSAMD21: - 12 channels (max): 384 bytes

  • ATSAMD51/ATSAME5x: - 16 channels (default): 512 bytes

  • ATSAMD51/ATSAME5x: - 32 channels (max): 1024 bytes

§Priority levels and Arbitration

The DMAC features 4 priority levels. Level 3 has the highest priority and level 0 has the lowest. Each channel can be assigned to one priority level. If two channels with the same priority level are requested to execute a transfer at the same time, the lowest channel number will have priority (in the default, ie static, arbitration scheme).

By default, all priority levels are enabled when initializing the DMAC (see DmaController::init). Levels can be enabled or disabled through the DmaController::enable_levels and DmaController::disable_levels methods. These methods must be supplied a PriorityLevelMask.

Round-Robin Arbitration can be enabled for multiple priority levels simultaneously by using the DmaController::round_robin_arbitration and DmaController::static_arbitration methods. These methods must be supplied a RoundRobinMask. By default, all priority levels are initialized with a static arbitration scheme. See ATSAMD21 datasheet section for more information.


This driver does not use or manage interrupts issued by the DMAC. Individual channels can be configured to generate interrupts when the transfer is complete, an error is detected or the channel is suspended. However, these interrupts will not be triggered unless the DMAC interrupt is unmasked in the NVIC. You will be responsible for clearing the interrupt flags in the ISR.

§About static lifetimes

The safe API this driver offers requires all buffers (source and destination) to have 'static lifetimes. This is because mem::forget is a safe API, and therefore relying on mem::drop to terminate or abort a transfer does not guarantee the transfer will be terminated (specifically if mem::forget is called on a Transfer containaing a Channel<Id, Busy>). This could cause the compiler to reclaim stack-allocated buffers for reuse while the DMAC is still writing to/reading from them! Needless to say that is very unsafe. Refer here or here for more information. You may choose to forego the 'static lifetimes by using the unsafe API and the Transfer::new_unchecked method.

§Unsafe API

This driver also offers an unsafe API through the Transfer::new_unchecked method. It does not enforce 'static lifetimes, and allow using buffers of different lengths. If you choose to use these methods, you MUST prove that a Transfer containing a Channel<Id, Busy> will NEVER be dropped. You must call wait() or stop() manually on every Transfer that has been created using the unsafe API. No destructor or Drop implementation is offered for Transfers.

Additionally, you can (unsafely) implement your own buffer types through the unsafe Buffer trait.


let mut peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let mut dmac = DmaController::init(peripherals.DMAC, &mut peripherals.PM);
// Get individual handles to DMA channels
let channels = dmac.split();

// Initialize DMA Channel 0
let chan0 = channels.0.init(PriorityLevel::LVL0, false, &mut dmac);

// Setup a DMA transfer (memory-to-memory -> incrementing source, incrementing destination)
// NOTE: buf_src and buf_dest should be either:
// &'static mut T, &'static mut [T], or &'static mut [T; N] where T: BeatSize
let xfer = Transfer::new(chan0, buf_src, buf_dest, false).begin(
    &mut dmac,

// Wait for transfer to complete and grab resulting buffers
let (chan0, buf_src, buf_dest, _) = xfer.wait(&mut dmac);

// (Optional) free the [`DmaController`] struct and return the underlying PAC struct
channels.0 = chan0.into();
let dmac =, &mut peripherals.PM);

§Transfer recycling

A common use-case with DMAC transfers is to trigger a new transfer as soon as the old transfer is completed. To avoid having to stop a Transfer, build a new Transfer (with new or new_from_arrays) then call begin, a Transfer::recycle method is provided. If the buffer lengths match and the previous transfer is completed, a new transfer will immediately be triggered using the provided source and destination buffers. If the recycling operation is succesful, Ok((source, destination)) containing the old source and destination buffers is returned. Otherwise, Err(_) is returned.

let new_source = produce_source();
let new_destination = produce_destination();

// Assume xfer is a `Busy` `Transfer`
let (old_source, old_dest) = xfer.recycle(new_source, new_destination).unwrap();

§Waker operation

A Transfer can also accept a function or closure that will be called on completion of the transaction, acting like a waker.

fn wake_up() {

fn use_waker<const N: usize>(dmac: DmaController,
    source: &'static mut [u8; N],
    destination: &'static mut [u8; N]
    let chan0 = dmac.split().0;
    let xfer = Transfer::new_from_arrays(chan0, source, destination, false)

§RTIC example

The RTIC framework provides a convenient way to store a statically allocated Transfer, so that it can be accessed by both the interrupt handlers and user code. The following example shows how Transfers might be used for a series of transactions. It uses features from the latest release of RTIC, v0.6-alpha.4.

use atsamd_hal::dmac::*;

const LENGTH: usize = 50;
type TransferBuffer = &'static mut [u8; LENGTH];
type Xfer = Transfer<Channel<Ch0, Busy>, TransferBuffer, TransferBuffer>;

struct Resources {
    opt_xfer: Option<Xfer>,

    opt_channel: Option<Channel<Ch0, Ready>>,

// Note: Assume interrupts have already been enabled for the concerned channel
#[task(resources = [opt_xfer, opt_channel])]
fn task(ctx: task::Context) {
    let task::Context { opt_xfer } = ctx;
    match opt_xfer {
        Some(xfer) => {
            if xfer.complete() {
                let (chan0, _source, dest, _payload) = xfer.take().unwrap().stop();
                *opt_channel = Some(chan0);
        None => {
            if let Some(chan0) = opt_channel.take() {
                let source: [u8; 50] = produce_source();
                let dest: [u8; 50] = produce_destination();
                let xfer = opt_xfer.get_or_insert(
                    Transfer::new_from_arrays(channel0, source, destination)
                        .with_waker(|| { task::spawn().ok(); })

#[task(binds = DMAC, resources = [opt_future])]
fn tcmpl(ctx: tcmpl::Context) {




  • Runtime errors that may occur when dealing with DMA transfers.


Type Aliases§

  • Result for DMAC operations