Expand description

HAL for the ATSAM4 series of microcontrollers

This is an implementation of the embedded-hal traits for the ATSAM4 microcontrollers


This crate requires arm-none-eabi-gcc to be installed and available in $PATH to build.


To build applications (binary crates) using this crate follow the cortex-m-quickstart instructions and add this crate as a dependency in step number 5 and make sure you enable the “rt” Cargo feature of this crate.


pub extern crate embedded_hal as hal;
pub use atsam4e16e_pac as pac;



HAL interface to the Enhanced Embedded Flash Controller (EEFC) peripheral

General Purpose Input / Output

PDC Traits for use with PDC-enabled peripherals

Import the prelude to gain convenient access to helper traits

SPI Implementation

If you can read and write the output state, a pin is toggleable by software.



Digital output pin state


Single digital input pin

Single pin that can switch from input to output mode, and vice-versa.

Single digital push-pull output pin

Push-pull output pin that can read its output state

Output pin that can be toggled