Module atmega32u4_hal::timer[][src]



atmega32u4_hal currently only implements timers for PWM. Different uses might get added later on. To configure a timer for PWM, create a new corresponding Timer#Pwm object:

let dp = atmega32u4::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let mut pwm4 = atmega32u4_hal::timer::Timer4Pwm::new(dp.TIMER4);

Next up, convert your pin into a PWM output. You can only configure PWM for pins already configured as outputs:

let mut pin = portc.pc7.into_output(&mut portc.ddr).into_pwm(&mut pwm4);

Pins supporting PWM

Only the following pins support PWM:

Timer Channel Port Pin
atmega32u4::TIMER0 OC0A atmega32u4::PORTB PB7
atmega32u4::TIMER0 OC0B atmega32u4::PORTD PD0
atmega32u4::TIMER1 OC1A atmega32u4::PORTB PB5
atmega32u4::TIMER1 OC1B atmega32u4::PORTB PB6
atmega32u4::TIMER1 OC1C atmega32u4::PORTB PB7
atmega32u4::TIMER3 OC3A atmega32u4::PORTC PC6
atmega32u4::TIMER4 OC4A atmega32u4::PORTC PC7
atmega32u4::TIMER4 OC4B atmega32u4::PORTC PB6
atmega32u4::TIMER4 OC4D atmega32u4::PORTD PD7


let dp = atmega32u4::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

// According to the manual, PC7(D13) is connected to Timer/Counter4
let mut pwm4 = atmega32u4_hal::timer::Timer4Pwm::new(dp.TIMER4);

// Split portc into 8 pins
let mut portc = dp.PORTC.split();

// First make the pin an output, then enable the PWM timer
let mut pin = portc.pc7.into_output(&mut portc.ddr).into_pwm(&mut pwm4);

// Set a duty cycle
pin.set_duty(pin.get_max_duty() / 2);



PWM Timer


PWM Timer


PWM Timer


PWM Timer