Crate atlv

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Encode and decode atlv values.

Algebraic Tag Length Value (atlv) is a binary data encoding designed for extensibility, generality, and compactness. Each value has a flexible-length tag, and may be one of four Kinds, two simple and two recursive:

  • Quantities encode enumerable values, using Variable Length Quantities.
  • Binaries encode sequences of bytes.
  • Unions encapsulate a single value.
  • Arrays encapsulate a sequence of values.

This crate provides a trait to encode and decode rust values directly into atlv streams, and a type to model and genericly encode and decode arbitrary atlv values. Use the trait unless you need to manipulate or examine unstructured atlv values.


  • This module rexports the relevant pieces vlq_bij relevant to atlv.


  • A decoding atlv stream in the process of decoding an array of values.
  • A decoding atlv stream in the process of decoding a binary value.
  • A decoding atlv stream at the beginning of a value.
  • A decoding atlv stream just after the tag and kind have been decoded.
  • A decoding atlv stream at the end of a value, and the value that was decoded.
  • An encoding atlv stream in midst of an array of values.
  • An encoding atlv stream in the midst of a binary value.
  • An encoding atlv stream at the beginning of a value.
  • An encoding atlv stream at the end of a value.


  • Errors that can come up while parsing.
  • The different kinds of atlv values.
  • A generic representation of an atlv value.


  • This is the maximum length of an array that the builtin Codec implementations will accept.
  • This is the maximum number of bytes of binary that the builtin Codec implementations will accept.


  • Types that are encodable and decodable with atlv.


  • Decode a value from some reader.
  • Encode a value to some writer.
  • Generate arbitrary values of a type and test that encoding then decoding results in the original value.

Type Aliases

  • A function that decodes a single value from an atlv stream.
  • A function that encodes a single value to an atlv stream.