[][src]Module atelier_rdf::model

Implements the mapping between the Smithy semantic model and an RDF graph. The functions model_to_rdf and rdf_to_model perform the mapping itself.


This provides a brief description of the Model to RDF mapping; the qualified names in the examples below use the prefix "smithy" which is defined in vocabulary::PREFIX and which maps to the namespace IRI in vocabulary::NAMESPACE.

These values are set in the examples below in Turtle syntax as a common preamble:

@prefix smithy: <https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/vocab/1.0#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

Note the inclusion of the xsd namespace for literals.


  1. Each model MUST have a subject, either a provided IRI or a blank node will be created.
  2. This subject MUST have an rdf:type of smithy:Model.
  3. This subject MAY have a relationship, typed as smithy:shapes to a node with rdf:type of rdf:Bag. This relationship may be omitted if the model contains no shapes.
_:subject a smithy:Model ;
            smithy:shapes _:shapes .

_:shapes a rdf:Bag .


  1. Each shape MUST be present as a member of the smithy:shapes bag introduced above.
  2. The identifier is the URN form of the shapes shape ID.
  3. The shape MUST include an rdf:type statement that denotes it's Smithy type.
  4. Additional requirements are type specific and introduced below.
_:shapes rdf:li <urn:smithy:example.motd:Shape> .

<urn:smithy:example.motd:Shape> a smithy:String .
  1. Simple shapes;
    1. no additional rules.
  2. List and Set shapes;
    1. An additional statement for the shape MUST be present with the predicate smithy:member and the object being the URN of the target shape.
    2. This member MAY have traits (see below).
  3. Map shapes;
    1. An additional statement for the shape MUST be present with the predicate smithy:key and the object being the URN of the target shape.
    2. An additional statement for the shape MUST be present with the predicate smithy:value and the object being the URN of the target shape.
    3. These members MAY have traits (see below).
  4. Structure and Union shapes;
    1. Each member of the shape becomes a statement with the shape ID as predicate and the object being a URN for the target shape.
    2. These members MAY have traits (see below).
  5. Service shapes;
    1. An additional statement for the shape MUST be present with the predicate smithy:version and the object being a literal, non-empty, string.
    2. Each member of the shape becomes a statement with the corresponding predicate smithy:* and the object being the URN of the target shape.
    3. For the multi-valued members operations, and resources, the statement SHALL be repeated once for each value.
  6. Operation shapes;
    1. Each member of the shape becomes a statement with the corresponding predicate smithy:* and the object being the URN of the target shape.
    2. For the multi-valued member errors the statement SHALL be repeated once for each value.
  7. Resource Shapes;
    1. The resource subject MAY have a relationship, typed as smithy:identifiers to a node with rdf:type of rdf:Bag. This relationship may be omitted if the model contains no identifier pairs.
      1. Each identifier pair consists of a blank node in the bag with two statements;
        1. one with the predicate smithy:key and the object being a literal string for the identifier name,
        2. one with the predicate smithy:value and the object being the URN of the target shape.
    2. Each member of the shape becomes a statement with the corresponding predicate smithy:* and the object being the URN of the target shape.
    3. For the multi-valued members operations, collectionOperations, and resources, the statement SHALL be repeated once for each value.


Any shape, either a top-level shape, or a member, may have traits applied, these are represented as follows:

  1. This shape MAY have a relationship, typed as smithy:traits to a node with rdf:type of rdf:Bag. This relationship may be omitted if the shape has no applied traits.
  2. Each applied trait is represented as a blank node, with predicate rdf:li in the trait bag.
  3. This new node MUST include a statement with the predicate smithy:trait and object being the URN of the trait shape.
  4. The new node MAY include a statement with the predicate smithy:value and object being the value applied with this shape (see production below).
<urn:smithy:example.motd:Shape> a smithy:String ;
            smithy:traits _:shape_traits .

_:shape_traits a rdf:Bag ;
            rdf:li _:a_trait .

_:a_trait smithy:trait <urn:smithy:smithy.api:required> .


Values are attached to a node with the predicate smithy:value and the value represented as follows:

  1. string values MUST be represented as unqualified string literals,
  2. boolean values MUST be represented as string literals with the type xsd:boolean,
  3. numeric values MUST be represented as string literals with either the type xsd:signedLong or xsd:double.
  4. null values MUST be represented as rdf:nil,
  5. array values MUST be represented as a new blank node,
    1. this node MUST have a statement with rdf:type of rdf:List,
    2. each element in the array occurs in this list with the predicate rdf:li and object being the value represented using these same production rules,
  6. object values MUST be represented as a new blank node,
    1. this node MUST have a statement with rdf:type of rdf:Bag,
    2. each element in the object occurs in this list with the predicate rdf:li and object being a new node blank node,
    3. this node MUST have a statement with smithy:key and the object being a string literal for the identifier name,
    4. this node MUST have a statement with smithy:value and the object being the URN of the target shape.
_:a_trait smithy:trait <urn:smithy:smithy.api:documentation> ;
            smithy:value "Here is some documentation".



Convert a Smithy semantic model into a canonical RDF graph representation.


Convert an RDF graph into a Smithy semantic model.