Crate asynx

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Library that helps you to simulate exception without panic in async Rust.

There is an unsync version unsync::ExceptionContext and a sync version sync::ExceptionContext.

You can also define the context as a static variable so that you don’t have to pass them through function argument, using global::ExceptionContext.

Check this blog for the main idea.


type ExcptCtx = asynx::unsync::ExceptionContext<String>;

async fn perform(ctx: &ExcptCtx, success: bool) -> String {
    if success {
    } else {

tokio_test::block_on(async {
    let r = ExcptCtx::new()
        .catch(|ctx| async move {
            assert_eq!("success".to_string(), perform(ctx, true).await);
            perform(ctx, false).await;
            unreachable!() // The previous statement throws an exception.
    assert_eq!(Err("failed".to_string()), r)


The exception context that can be use as a static variable based on thread-local.

The sync implementation of exception context.

The unsync implementation of exception context.