Crate asynchronous [] [src]

A promise based asynchronous library

This library provides an usefull way to invoke functions (clousures) in a Promise Style using separated threads. A Promise is a Struct that represents the return value or the error that the funcion produces.

It also allows the execution of tasks in Parallel or Series in deferred, joining the result in a Promise.

It includes methods to manage Event Loops, where there are tasks that "emit" events in background, and they are collected by a promise.

Project github page

This project is based on the Q Promise library for Node JS and Async.js


This is a simple setup for a promise based execution:

use asynchronous::Promise;
Promise::new(|| {
  // Do something  
  let ret = 10.0 / 3.0;
  if ret > 0.0 { Ok(ret) } else { Err("Incorrect Value") }
}).success(|res| {            // res has type f64
  // Do something if the previous result is correct
  assert_eq!(res, 10.0 / 3.0);
  let res_int = res as u32 * 2;
}).finally_sync(|res| {       // res has type u32
  // Catch a correct result
  assert_eq!(res, 6u32);
}, |error| {
  // Catch an incorrect result

Deferred execution:

use asynchronous::{Promise,Deferred,ControlFlow};

let d_a = Deferred::<&str, &str>::new(|| { Ok("a") });
let p_b = Promise::<&str, &str>::new(|| { Ok("b") });  // Executed right now
let d1 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Ok(1u32) });
let d2 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Err("Mock Error") });
let d3 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Ok(3u32) });
let d4 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Ok(4u32) });
let d5 = Deferred::<u32, &str>::new(|| { Ok(5u32) });

let promise = Deferred::vec_to_promise(vec![d1,d2,d3], ControlFlow::Parallel);
// Only d1, d2 and d3 are being executed at this time.

assert_eq!("ab", d_a.to_promise().success(|res_a| {
    p_b.success(move |res_b| {
        Ok(res_a.to_string() + res_b)

promise.success(|res| {
    // Catch the result. In this case, tasks d4 and d5 never will be executed
}).fail(|error| {
    // Catch the error and execute another Promise
    assert_eq!(error, vec![Ok(1u32), Err("Mock Error"), Ok(3u32)]);    
    Deferred::vec_to_promise(vec![d4,d5], ControlFlow::Series).sync()
}).finally_sync(|res| {   // res : Vec<u32>
    // Do something here    
    assert_eq!(res, vec![4u32, 5u32]);
}, |error| {              // error : Vec<Result<u32,&str>>
    // Check Errors

Simple event loop:

use asynchronous::EventLoop;

let el = EventLoop::new().finish_in_ms(100);
// Do something here
el.to_promise().finally_sync(|res| {  // res: Vec<Ev>
    assert_eq!(res, vec!["Event1", "Event2"]);
}, |error| {
    // Check Errors



Stores a function and delays its execution until it's transform to a promise. T : Type of value returned E : Type of error returned


Executes a task in background collecting events from other threads


Event Loop wrapper that can be cloned to pass through threads


Stores a result of previous execution tasks. T : Type of value returned E : Type of error returned



Different possibilities for asynchronous treatment of vectors


Enum representing type of Emit in loops