Crate asynchronix

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A high-performance, discrete-event computation framework for system simulation.

Asynchronix is a developer-friendly, yet highly optimized software simulator able to scale to very large simulation with complex time-driven state machines.

It promotes a component-oriented architecture that is familiar to system engineers and closely resembles flow-based programming: a model is essentially an isolated entity with a fixed set of typed inputs and outputs, communicating with other models through message passing via connections defined during bench assembly. Unlike in conventional flow-based programming, request-reply patterns are also possible.

Asynchronix leverages asynchronous programming to perform auto-parallelization in a manner that is fully transparent to model authors and users, achieving high computational throughput on large simulation benches by means of a custom multi-threaded executor.

A practical overview

Simulating a system typically involves three distinct activities:

  1. the design of simulation models for each sub-system,
  2. the assembly of a simulation bench from a set of models, performed by inter-connecting model ports,
  3. the execution of the simulation, managed through periodical increments of the simulation time and by exchange of messages with simulation models.

The following sections go through each of these activities in more details.

Authoring models

Models can contain four kinds of ports:

  • output ports, which are instances of the Output type and can be used to broadcast a message,
  • requestor ports, which are instances of the Requestor type and can be used to broadcast a message and receive an iterator yielding the replies from all connected replier ports,
  • input ports, which are synchronous or asynchronous methods that implement the InputFn trait and take an &mut self argument, a message argument, and an optional &Scheduler argument,
  • replier ports, which are similar to input ports but implement the ReplierFn trait and return a reply.

Messages that are broadcast by an output port to an input port are referred to as events, while messages exchanged between requestor and replier ports are referred to as requests and replies.

Models must implement the Model trait. The main purpose of this trait is to allow models to specify an init() method that is guaranteed to run once and only once when the simulation is initialized, i.e. after all models have been connected but before the simulation starts. The init() method has a default implementation, so models that do not require initialization can simply implement the trait with a one-liner such as impl Model for MyModel {}.

A simple model

Let us consider for illustration a simple model that forwards its input after multiplying it by 2. This model has only one input and one output port:

               │            │
Input ●───────▶│ Multiplier ├───────▶ Output
         f64   │            │  f64

Multiplier could be implemented as follows:

use asynchronix::model::{Model, Output};

pub struct Multiplier {
    pub output: Output<f64>,
impl Multiplier {
    pub async fn input(&mut self, value: f64) {
        self.output.send(2.0 * value).await;
impl Model for Multiplier {}
A model using the local scheduler

Models frequently need to schedule actions at a future time or simply get access to the current simulation time. To do so, input and replier methods can take an optional argument that gives them access to a local scheduler.

To show how the local scheduler can be used in practice, let us implement Delay, a model which simply forwards its input unmodified after a 1s delay:

use std::time::Duration;
use asynchronix::model::{Model, Output};
use asynchronix::time::Scheduler;

pub struct Delay {
   pub output: Output<f64>,
impl Delay {
    pub fn input(&mut self, value: f64, scheduler: &Scheduler<Self>) {
        scheduler.schedule_in(Duration::from_secs(1), Self::send, value).unwrap();

    async fn send(&mut self, value: f64) {
impl Model for Delay {}

Assembling simulation benches

A simulation bench is a system of inter-connected models that have been migrated to a simulation.

The assembly process usually starts with the instantiation of models and the creation of a Mailbox for each model. A mailbox is essentially a fixed-capacity buffer for events and requests. While each model has only one mailbox, it is possible to create an arbitrary number of Addresses pointing to that mailbox.

Addresses are used among others to connect models: each output or requestor ports has a connect() method that takes as argument a function pointer to the corresponding input or replier port method and the address of the targeted model.

Once all models are connected, they are added to a SimInit instance, which is a builder type for the final Simulation.

The easiest way to understand the assembly step is with a short example. Say that we want to assemble the following system from the models implemented above:

                               │            │
                           ┌──▶│   Delay    ├──┐
          ┌────────────┐   │   │            │  │   ┌────────────┐
          │            │   │   └────────────┘  │   │            │
Input ●──▶│ Multiplier ├───┤                   ├──▶│   Delay    ├──▶ Output
          │            │   │   ┌────────────┐  │   │            │
          └────────────┘   │   │            │  │   └────────────┘
                           └──▶│ Multiplier ├──┘
                               │            │

Here is how this could be done:

use std::time::Duration;
use asynchronix::simulation::{Mailbox, SimInit};
use asynchronix::time::MonotonicTime;

use models::{Delay, Multiplier};

// Instantiate models.
let mut multiplier1 = Multiplier::default();
let mut multiplier2 = Multiplier::default();
let mut delay1 = Delay::default();
let mut delay2 = Delay::default();

// Instantiate mailboxes.
let multiplier1_mbox = Mailbox::new();
let multiplier2_mbox = Mailbox::new();
let delay1_mbox = Mailbox::new();
let delay2_mbox = Mailbox::new();

// Connect the models.
multiplier1.output.connect(Delay::input, &delay1_mbox);
multiplier1.output.connect(Multiplier::input, &multiplier2_mbox);
multiplier2.output.connect(Delay::input, &delay2_mbox);
delay1.output.connect(Delay::input, &delay2_mbox);

// Keep handles to the system input and output for the simulation.
let mut output_slot = delay2.output.connect_slot().0;
let input_address = multiplier1_mbox.address();

// Pick an arbitrary simulation start time and build the simulation.
let t0 = MonotonicTime::EPOCH;
let mut simu = SimInit::new()
    .add_model(multiplier1, multiplier1_mbox)
    .add_model(multiplier2, multiplier2_mbox)
    .add_model(delay1, delay1_mbox)
    .add_model(delay2, delay2_mbox)

Running simulations

The simulation can be controlled in several ways:

  1. by advancing time, either until the next scheduled event with Simulation::step(), or by a specific duration using for instance Simulation::step_by().
  2. by sending events or queries without advancing simulation time, using Simulation::send_event() or Simulation::send_query(),
  3. by scheduling events, using for instance Simulation::schedule_in().

Simulation outputs can be monitored using EventSlots and EventStreams, which can be connected to any model’s output port. While an event slot only gives access to the last value sent from a port, an event stream is an iterator that yields all events that were sent in first-in-first-out order.

This is an example of simulation that could be performed using the above bench assembly:

// Send a value to the first multiplier.
simu.send_event(Multiplier::input, 21.0, &input_address);

// The simulation is still at t0 so nothing is expected at the output of the
// second delay gate.

// Advance simulation time until the next event and check the time and output.
assert_eq!(simu.time(), t0 + Duration::from_secs(1));
assert_eq!(output_slot.take(), Some(84.0));

// Get the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe & everything.
assert_eq!(simu.time(), t0 + Duration::from_secs(2));
assert_eq!(output_slot.take(), Some(42.0));

Message ordering guarantees

The Asynchronix runtime is based on the actor model, meaning that every simulation model can be thought of as an isolated entity running in its own thread. While in practice the runtime will actually multiplex and migrate models over a fixed set of kernel threads, models will indeed run in parallel whenever possible.

Since Asynchronix is a time-based simulator, the runtime will always execute tasks in chronological order, thus eliminating most ordering ambiguities that could result from parallel execution. Nevertheless, it is sometimes possible for events and queries generated in the same time slice to lead to ambiguous execution orders. In order to make it easier to reason about such situations, Asynchronix provides a set of guarantees about message delivery order. Borrowing from the Pony programming language, we refer to this contract as causal messaging, a property that can be summarized by these two rules:

  1. one-to-one message ordering guarantee: if model A sends two events or queries M1 and then M2 to model B, then B will always process M1 before M2,
  2. transitivity guarantee: if A sends M1 to B and then M2 to C which in turn sends M3 to B, even though M1 and M2 may be processed in any order by B and C, it is guaranteed that B will process M1 before M3.

The first guarantee (and only the first) also extends to events scheduled from a simulation with Simulation::schedule_in() or Simulation::schedule_at(): if the scheduler contains several events to be delivered at the same time to the same model, these events will always be processed in the order in which they were scheduled.

Other resources

Other examples

The examples directory in the main repository contains more fleshed out examples that demonstrate various capabilities of the simulation framework.

Modules documentation

While the above overview does cover the basic concepts, more information is available in the documentation of the different modules:

  • the model module provides more details about the signatures of input and replier port methods and discusses model initialization in the documentation of model::Model,
  • the simulation module discusses how the capacity of mailboxes may affect the simulation, how connections can be modified after the simulation was instantiated, and which pathological situations can lead to a deadlock,
  • the time module discusses in particular self-scheduling methods and scheduling cancellation in the documentation of time::Scheduler while the monotonic timestamp format used for simulations is documented in time::MonotonicTime.


Model components.
Discrete-event simulation management.
Simulation time and scheduling.