Module async_executors::exec

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The executor implementations.


  • AsyncGlobalasync_global
    An executor that spawns tasks on async-global-executor. In contrast to the other executors, this one is not self contained, because async-global-executor does not provide an API that allows that, so the threadpool is global.
  • AsyncStdasync_std
    An executor that spawns tasks on async-std. In contrast to the other executors, this one is not self contained, because async-std does not provide an API that allows that, so the threadpool is global.
  • Bindgenbindgen and WebAssembly
    A type that implements Spawn, LocalSpawn, SpawnHandle and LocalSpawnHandle. Spawns on the wasm-bingen-futures executor. The executor is global, eg. not self contained and zero sized.
  • GlommioCtglommio
    Single threaded glommio executor. This executor works on Linux 5.8+ only.
  • TokioCttokio_ct
    An executor that uses a tokio::runtime::Runtime with the current thread and a tokio::task::LocalSet. Can spawn !Send futures.
  • TokioTptokio_tp
    An executor that uses tokio::runtime::Runtime.


  • A few errors that can happen while using tokio executors.
  • A few errors that can happen while using tokio executors.