Crate async_zmq_types

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Provide useful types and traits for working with ZMQ Asynchronously.


ControlledStreams are used when you want a stream of multiparts, but you want to be able to turn it off.
A stream that ends when the EndHandler’s should_stop method returns True
This type is used for receiving and sending messages in Multipart groups. An application could make using this easier by implementing traits as follows:
The final builder step for the Pair socket type.
The final builder step for some socket types
The root struct for a Socket builder
The final builder step for the Sub socket type.


The ControlHandler trait is used to impose stopping rules for streams that otherwise would continue to create multiparts.
This trait is implemented by all Streams with Item = Multipart and Error = Error, it provides the ability to control when the stream stops based on the content of another stream.
The EndHandler trait is used to impose stopping rules for streams that otherwise would continue to create multiparts.
This trait is implemented by all socket types to allow custom builders to be created
Define all actions possible on a socket
The IntoInnerSocket trait is implemented for all wrapper types. This makes implementing other traits a matter of saying a given type implements them.
This trait provides the basic Sink support for ZeroMQ Sockets. It depends on IntoInnerSocket and provides the send and sink methods.
This trait is provided for sockets that implement both Sync and Stream
This trait provides the basic Stream support for ZeroMQ Sockets. It depends on IntoInnerSocket, but provides implementations for sink and recv.
This trait is provided to allow for ending a stream based on a Multipart message it receives.