Expand description

This crate provides Rust bindings to the Stripe HTTP API.

Getting Started

To get started, we need to create a Client:

let client = stripe::Client::new("sk_test_YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET");

Then we can begin making requests as we’d like. Most Stripe requests accept many optional parameters, so we usually get the ::new(...) with any required params and then set the ones we want from there.

Most requests for creating or updating a Stripe object use the same Rust struct, so you may frequently need to refer to the official API docs to determine which fields are required for either request.

Note: We have an extensive collection of examples which are interspersed in the documentation. Any time an API is used in an example it is highlighted in the docs for that item. You can also find all the raw examples in the examples directory. Please have a look at those for inspiration or ideas on how to get started.


The resource representing a Stripe “Account”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “AccountLink”.

The resource representing a Stripe “Address”.

The resource representing a Stripe “AlipayAccount”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “APIErrors”.

The resource representing a Stripe “Application”.

The resource representing a Stripe “PlatformFee”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “FeeRefund”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The parameters for PaymentMethod::attach

The resource representing a Stripe “Balance”.

The resource representing a Stripe “BalanceTransaction”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “BankAccount”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “billing_details”.

The resource representing a Stripe “PortalConfiguration”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “PortalSession”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The set of parameters that can be used when canceling a payment_intent object.

The set of parameters that can be used when capturing a charge object.

The set of parameters that can be used when capturing a payment_intent object.

The resource representing a Stripe “Card”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “cash_balance”.

The resource representing a Stripe “Charge”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Session”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “LineItem”.

The resource representing a Stripe “ConnectCollectionTransfer”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Coupon”.

The parameters for Account::create.

The parameters for AccountLink::create.

The parameters for BillingPortalSession::create.

The parameters for Charge::create.

The parameters for CheckoutSession::create.

The parameters for Coupon::create.

The parameters for Customer::create.

The parameters for EphemeralKey::create.

The parameters for FileLink::create.

The parameters for Invoice::create.

The parameters for InvoiceItem::create.

The parameters for Order::create.

The parameters for PaymentIntent::create.

The parameters for PaymentLink::create.

The parameters for PaymentMethod::create.

The parameters for Payout::create.

The parameters for Price::create.

The parameters for Product::create.

The parameters for Recipient::create.

The parameters for Refund::create.

The parameters for SetupIntent::create.

The parameters for ShippingRate::create.

The parameters for Sku::create.

The parameters for Source::create.

The parameters for Subscription::create.

The parameters for SubscriptionItem::create.

The parameters for SubscriptionSchedule::create.

The parameters for TaxRate::create.

The parameters for Token::create.

The parameters for Transfer::create.

The parameters for UsageRecord::create.

The parameters for WebhookEndpoint::create.

The resource representing a Stripe “CustomUnitAmount”.

The resource representing a Stripe “Customer”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Discount”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Dispute”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “EphemeralKey”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “NotificationEvent”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “File”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “FileLink”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Invoice”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “InvoiceItem”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “InvoiceLineItem”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “invoice_payment_method_options_acss_debit”.

The resource representing a Stripe “invoice_payment_method_options_bancontact”.

The resource representing a Stripe “invoice_payment_method_options_customer_balance”.

The resource representing a Stripe “invoice_payment_method_options_konbini”.

The resource representing a Stripe “invoice_payment_method_options_us_bank_account”.

The resource representing a Stripe “InvoiceSettingRenderingOptions”.

The resource representing a Stripe “IssuingAuthorization”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “IssuingCard”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “IssuingCardholder”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “IssuingDispute”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “IssuingTransaction”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “linked_account_options_us_bank_account”.

A single page of a cursor-paginated list of an object.

The parameters for Account::list.

The parameters for ApplicationFee::list.

The parameters for BalanceTransaction::list.

The parameters for Balance::list.

The parameters for Charge::list.

The parameters for CheckoutSession::list.

The parameters for Coupon::list.

The parameters for Customer::list.

The parameters for Dispute::list.

The parameters for Event::list.

The parameters for FileLink::list.

The parameters for File::list.

The parameters for InvoiceItem::list.

The parameters for Invoice::list.

The parameters for Order::list.

The parameters for PaymentIntent::list.

The parameters for PaymentLink::list.

The parameters for PaymentMethod::list.

The parameters for Payout::list.

The parameters for Plan::list.

The parameters for Price::list.

The parameters for Product::list.

The parameters for PromotionCode::list.

The parameters for Quote::list.

The parameters for Recipient::list.

The parameters for Refund::list.

The parameters for Review::list.

The parameters for SetupAttempt::list.

The parameters for SetupIntent::list.

The parameters for ShippingRate::list.

The parameters for Sku::list.

The parameters for Source::list.

The parameters for SubscriptionItem::list.

The parameters for SubscriptionSchedule::list.

The parameters for Subscription::list.

The parameters for TaxCode::list.

The parameters for TaxRate::list.

The parameters for Topup::list.

The parameters for Transfer::list.

The parameters for WebhookEndpoint::list.

The resource representing a Stripe “LoginLink”.

The resource representing a Stripe “Mandate”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “mandate_options_off_session_details_blik”.

The resource representing a Stripe “IssuingAuthorizationMerchantData”.

The resource representing a Stripe “OrdersV2ResourceOrder”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “PackageDimensions”.

The resource representing a Stripe PaymentError object.

The resource representing a Stripe “PaymentIntent”.

The set of parameters that can be used when confirming a payment_intent object.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_intent_payment_method_options_acss_debit”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_intent_payment_method_options_link”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_intent_payment_method_options_sepa_debit”.

The set of parameters that can be used when updating a payment_intent object.

The resource representing a Stripe “PaymentLink”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “PaymentMethod”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_method_options_alipay”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_method_options_bancontact”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_method_options_customer_balance”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_method_options_ideal”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_method_options_klarna”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_method_options_oxxo”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_method_options_p24”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_method_options_sofort”.

The resource representing a Stripe “payment_method_options_wechat_pay”.

The resource representing a Stripe “Payout”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Person”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Plan”.

The resource representing a Stripe “PlatformTax”.

The resource representing a Stripe “Price”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Product”.

The resource representing a Stripe “PromotionCode”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Quote”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “QuotesResourceTotalDetails”.

The resource representing a Stripe “RadarRadarOptions”.

The resource representing a Stripe “TransferRecipient”.

The resource representing a Stripe “Refund”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

An error reported by stripe in a request’s response.

The resource representing a Stripe “ReserveTransaction”.

The resource representing a Stripe “RadarReview”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “ScheduledQueryRun”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “PaymentFlowsSetupIntentSetupAttempt”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “SetupIntent”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Shipping”.

The resource representing a Stripe “ShippingRate”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Sku”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Source”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Subscription”.

The resource representing a Stripe “SubscriptionBillingThresholds”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “SubscriptionItem”.

The resource representing a Stripe “SubscriptionItemBillingThresholds”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “SubscriptionSchedule”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “TaxProductResourceTaxCode”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “TaxDeductedAtSource”.

The resource representing a Stripe “tax_id”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “TaxRate”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “TerminalConfigurationConfiguration”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “TerminalConnectionToken”.

The resource representing a Stripe “TerminalLocationLocation”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “TerminalReaderReader”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “TestClock”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Token”.

The resource representing a Stripe “Topup”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “Transfer”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “TransferReversal”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The parameters for Account::update.

If this is a card PaymentMethod, this hash contains the user’s card details.

The parameters for Charge::update.

The parameters for Coupon::update.

The parameters for Customer::update.

The parameters for FileLink::update.

The parameters for InvoiceItem::update.

The parameters for Order::update.

The parameters for PaymentIntent::update.

The parameters for PaymentLink::update.

The parameters for PaymentMethod::update.

The parameters for Payout::update.

The parameters for Plan::update.

The parameters for Price::update.

The parameters for Product::update.

The parameters for PromotionCode::update.

The parameters for Recipient::update.

The parameters for Refund::update.

The parameters for SetupIntent::update.

The parameters for ShippingRate::update.

The parameters for Sku::update.

The parameters for Source::update.

The parameters for Subscription::update.

The parameters for SubscriptionItem::update.

The parameters for SubscriptionSchedule::update.

The parameters for TaxRate::update.

The parameters for Topup::update.

The parameters for Transfer::update.

The parameters for WebhookEndpoint::update.

The resource representing a Stripe “UsageRecord”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The resource representing a Stripe “UsageRecordSummary”.

An id for the corresponding object type.

The set of parameters that can be used when verifying a Bank Account.

The resource representing a Stripe “NotificationWebhookEndpoint”.

An id for the corresponding object type.


An enum representing the possible values of an Account’s business_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s acss_debit_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s affirm_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s afterpay_clearpay_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s bacs_debit_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s bancontact_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s bank_transfer_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s blik_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s boleto_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s cartes_bancaires_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s eps_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s fpx_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s giropay_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s grabpay_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s ideal_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s klarna_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s konbini_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s link_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s oxxo_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s p24_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s paynow_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s promptpay_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s sepa_debit_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s sofort_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s treasury field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s us_bank_account_ach_payments field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateAccountLink’s collect field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateAccountLink’s type_ field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountRequirementsError’s code field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateAccount’s type_ field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountUnificationAccountController’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ApiErrors’s type field.

An enum representing the versions of the Stripe API.

An enum representing the possible values of an AutomaticTax’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an BalanceTransaction’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an BalanceTransaction’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an BankAccount’s available_payout_methods field.

An enum representing the possible values of an BankAccount’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an BillingPortalSession’s locale field.

An enum representing the possible values of an AccountCapabilities’s au_becs_debit_payments field.

The resource representing a Stripe CaptureMethod object.

An enum representing the possible values of an Card’s available_payout_methods field.

The set of PaymentSource parameters that can be used to create a charge.

An enum representing the possible values of an Charge’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutAcssDebitMandateOptions’s default_for field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutAcssDebitMandateOptions’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutAcssDebitPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutAcssDebitPaymentMethodOptions’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutAffirmPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutAfterpayClearpayPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutAlipayPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutAuBecsDebitPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutBacsDebitPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutBancontactPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutBoletoPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutCardPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutEpsPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutFpxPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutGiropayPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutGrabPayPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutIdealPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutKlarnaPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutKonbiniPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutOxxoPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutP24PaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutPaynowPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutSepaDebitPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutSession’s billing_address_collection field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutSession’s customer_creation field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutSession’s locale field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutSession’s mode field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutSession’s payment_status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutSession’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutSession’s submit_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutSofortPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutUsBankAccountPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CheckoutUsBankAccountPaymentMethodOptions’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Invoice’s collection_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CompanyParams’s structure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Company’s structure field.

The resource representing a Stripe ConfirmationMethod object.

An enum representing the possible values of an Coupon’s duration field.

A token, like the ones returned by Stripe.js.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionConsentCollection’s promotions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionCustomerUpdate’s address field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionCustomerUpdate’s name field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionCustomerUpdate’s shipping field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionLineItemsPriceDataRecurring’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionLineItemsPriceData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentIntentData’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentIntentData’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s default_for field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsAffirm’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsAlipay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsAuBecsDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsBacsDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsBoleto’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsEps’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsFpx’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsGiropay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsGrabpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsIdeal’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsKonbini’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsOxxo’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsP24’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsPaynow’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountFinancialConnections’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s client field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSession’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionShippingAddressCollection’s allowed_countries field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionShippingOptionsShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMaximum’s unit field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionShippingOptionsShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMinimum’s unit field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionShippingOptionsShippingRateDataFixedAmountCurrencyOptions’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionShippingOptionsShippingRateData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCheckoutSessionShippingOptionsShippingRateData’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCustomerCashBalanceSettings’s reconciliation_mode field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountFinancialConnections’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoicePaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoicePaymentSettings’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoiceRenderingOptions’s amount_tax_display field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderLineItemsPriceData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAlipay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s requested_address_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s funding_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsIdeal’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s preferred_locale field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsOxxo’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsP24’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s client field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderPaymentSettings’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderShippingCostShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMaximum’s unit field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderShippingCostShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMinimum’s unit field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderShippingCostShippingRateDataFixedAmountCurrencyOptions’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderShippingCostShippingRateData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderShippingCostShippingRateData’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderTaxDetails’s tax_exempt field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateOrderTaxDetailsTaxIds’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptance’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataEps’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataFpx’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataIdeal’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataP24’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataSofort’s country field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodData’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataUsBankAccount’s account_holder_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataUsBankAccount’s account_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAffirm’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAffirm’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAlipay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAuBecsDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBacsDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBoleto’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s amount_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s supported_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s network field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s requested_address_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s funding_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsEps’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsFpx’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGiropay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGrabpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsIdeal’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s preferred_locale field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKonbini’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsOxxo’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsP24’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsPaynow’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsPromptpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountFinancialConnections’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountNetworks’s requested field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s client field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentLinkAfterCompletion’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentLinkConsentCollection’s promotions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentLinkPaymentIntentData’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentLinkPaymentIntentData’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentLink’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentLinkShippingAddressCollection’s allowed_countries field.

If this is a card PaymentMethod, this hash contains the user’s card details.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentMethodEps’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentMethodFpx’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentMethodIdeal’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentMethodP24’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentMethodSofort’s country field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentMethodUsBankAccount’s account_holder_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentMethodUsBankAccount’s account_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePriceCurrencyOptions’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePriceRecurring’s aggregate_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePriceRecurring’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePriceRecurring’s usage_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePriceTransformQuantity’s round field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateProductDefaultPriceDataCurrencyOptions’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateProductDefaultPriceDataRecurring’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateProductDefaultPriceData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntent’s flow_directions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentMandateDataCustomerAcceptance’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataEps’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataFpx’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataIdeal’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataP24’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataSofort’s country field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodData’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataUsBankAccount’s account_holder_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataUsBankAccount’s account_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s default_for field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s amount_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s supported_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountFinancialConnections’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountNetworks’s requested field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMaximum’s unit field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateShippingRateDeliveryEstimateMinimum’s unit field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateShippingRateFixedAmountCurrencyOptions’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSourceSourceOrderItems’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s amount_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountFinancialConnections’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionPaymentSettings’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionPaymentSettings’s save_default_payment_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionSchedulePhases’s billing_cycle_anchor field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionSchedulePhasesItemsPriceDataRecurring’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionSchedulePhasesItemsPriceData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateTokenAccount’s business_type field.

Currency is the list of supported currencies.

An enum representing the possible values of an CurrencyOption’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CustomerAcceptance’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CustomerBalanceCustomerBalanceSettings’s reconciliation_mode field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CustomerInvoiceSettingsRenderingOptions’s amount_tax_display field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CustomerTax’s automatic_tax field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Customer’s tax_exempt field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateCustomer’s tax_exempt field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CustomerTaxLocation’s source field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Dispute’s status field.

The list of possible values for a RequestError’s code.

The list of possible values for a RequestError’s type.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateWebhookEndpoint’s enabled_events field.

An id or object.

An enum representing the possible values of an Fee’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ListFiles’s purpose field.

An enum representing the possible values of an FraudDetailsParams’s user_report field.

An enum representing the possible values of an FundingInstructionsBankTransferFinancialAddress’s supported_networks field.

An enum representing the possible values of an FundingInstructionsBankTransferFinancialAddress’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Invoice’s billing_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Invoice’s customer_tax_exempt field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoiceItemPriceData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoiceLineItem’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoiceMandateOptionsCard’s amount_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoicePaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoicePaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoicePaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoicePaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoicePaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransferEuBankTransfer’s country field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoicePaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s funding_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoicePaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountLinkedAccountOptions’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoicePaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateInvoice’s pending_invoice_items_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Invoice’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ListInvoices’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an InvoicesPaymentSettings’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of the IssuingAuthorizationVerificationData fields.

An enum representing the possible values of the IssuingAuthorization’s authorization_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of the IssuingAuthorizationRequest’s reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingAuthorization’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingAuthorization’s wallet_provider field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardApplePay’s ineligible_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCard’s cancellation_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardGooglePay’s ineligible_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardPin’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCard’s replacement_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardShipping’s carrier field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardShipping’s service field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardShipping’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardShipping’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardSpendingLimit’s categories field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardSpendingLimit’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCard’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCard’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardholderRequirements’s disabled_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardholderRequirements’s past_due field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardholderSpendingLimit’s categories field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardholderSpendingLimit’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardholder’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingCardholder’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingDisputeCanceledEvidence’s product_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingDisputeCanceledEvidence’s return_status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingDisputeEvidence’s reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingDisputeMerchandiseNotAsDescribedEvidence’s return_status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingDisputeNotReceivedEvidence’s product_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingDisputeOtherEvidence’s product_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingDispute’s reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingDispute’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingTransaction’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an IssuingTransaction’s wallet field.

An enum representing the possible values of an LinkedAccountOptionsUsBankAccount’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ListPricesRecurring’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ListPricesRecurring’s usage_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an MandateAcssDebit’s default_for field.

An enum representing the possible values of an MandateAcssDebit’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an MandateAcssDebit’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an MandateBacsDebit’s network_status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an MandateBlik’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an MandateOptionsOffSessionDetailsBlik’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Mandate’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Mandate’s type field.

An enum representing the industry of a merchant.

An enum representing the possible values of an Order’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ListOrders’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an OrdersPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an OrdersPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an OrdersV2ResourceAutomaticTax’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an OrdersV2ResourceCardPaymentMethodOptions’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an OrdersV2ResourceCardPaymentMethodOptions’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an OrdersV2ResourcePaymentSettings’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an OrdersV2ResourcePayment’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an OrdersV2ResourceTaxDetailsResourceTaxId’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an OrdersV2ResourceTaxDetails’s tax_exempt field.

The resource representing a Stripe PaymentErrorType object.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntent’s cancellation_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntent’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntent’s confirmation_method field.

Represents the way a PaymentIntent needs to be fulfilled.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentNextActionDisplayBankTransferInstructions’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentNextActionVerifyWithMicrodeposits’s microdeposit_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAuBecsDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s network field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsEps’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsMandateOptionsAcssDebit’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsMandateOptionsAcssDebit’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentProcessing’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntent’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntent’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntent’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentTypeSpecificPaymentMethodOptionsClient’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentTypeSpecificPaymentMethodOptionsClient’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentIntentTypeSpecificPaymentMethodOptionsClient’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentLink’s billing_address_collection field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentLink’s customer_creation field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentLink’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentLink’s submit_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentLinksResourceAfterCompletion’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentLinksResourceConsentCollection’s promotions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentLinksResourcePaymentIntentData’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentLinksResourcePaymentIntentData’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentLinksResourceShippingAddressCollection’s allowed_countries field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsAchDebit’s account_holder_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsCardWallet’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsEps’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsFpx’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsIdeal’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsIdeal’s bic field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsInteracPresent’s read_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsInteracPresentReceipt’s account_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsKonbiniStore’s chain field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsP24’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsSofort’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsUsBankAccount’s account_holder_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodDetailsUsBankAccount’s account_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodEps’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodFpx’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodIdeal’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodIdeal’s bic field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsAffirm’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsAffirm’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsAlipay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsBacsDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsBoleto’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s amount_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s supported_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s requested_address_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceEuBankAccount’s country field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s funding_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsFpx’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsGiropay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsGrabpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsIdeal’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsKonbini’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsOxxo’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsP24’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsPaynow’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsPaypal’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsPromptpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s client field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodP24’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethod’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePaymentMethod’s type_ field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodUsBankAccount’s account_holder_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentMethodUsBankAccount’s account_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentPagesCheckoutSessionAutomaticTax’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentPagesCheckoutSessionConsentCollection’s promotions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentPagesCheckoutSessionConsent’s promotions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentPagesCheckoutSessionCustomerDetails’s tax_exempt field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentPagesCheckoutSessionShippingAddressCollection’s allowed_countries field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PaymentPagesCheckoutSessionTaxId’s type field.

A PaymentSource represents a payment method associated with a customer or charge. This value is usually returned as a subresource on another request.

A PaymentSourceParams represents all of the supported ways that can be used to creating a new customer with a payment method or creating a payment method directly for a customer via Customer::attach_source.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePayout’s method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreatePayout’s source_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Payout’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PersonParams’s political_exposure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Person’s political_exposure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Plan’s aggregate_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Plan’s billing_scheme field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Plan’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionItemPriceDataRecurring’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemInterval’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Plan’s tiers_mode field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Plan’s usage_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PortalCustomerUpdate’s allowed_updates field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PortalSubscriptionCancel’s mode field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PortalSubscriptionCancel’s proration_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PortalSubscriptionCancellationReason’s options field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PortalSubscriptionUpdate’s default_allowed_updates field.

An enum representing the possible values of an PortalSubscriptionUpdate’s proration_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Price’s billing_scheme field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Price’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Price’s tiers_mode field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Price’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Quote’s collection_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Quote’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an QuotesResourceAutomaticTax’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an QuotesResourceRecurring’s interval field.

A set of generic request parameters that can be used on list endpoints to filter their results by some timestamp.

An enum representing the possible values of an ListRecipients’s type_ field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Recurring’s aggregate_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Recurring’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Recurring’s usage_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateRefund’s origin field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Refund’s reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateRefund’s reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Review’s closed_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Review’s opened_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Review’s reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupAttempt’s flow_directions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsIdeal’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsIdeal’s bic field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupAttemptPaymentMethodDetailsSofort’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntent’s cancellation_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntent’s flow_directions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentNextActionVerifyWithMicrodeposits’s microdeposit_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s amount_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s supported_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s network field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsMandateOptionsAcssDebit’s default_for field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsMandateOptionsAcssDebit’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsMandateOptionsAcssDebit’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsMandateOptionsBlik’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntent’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SetupIntentTypeSpecificPaymentMethodOptionsClient’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ShippingRateCurrencyOption’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ShippingRateDeliveryEstimateBound’s unit field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ShippingRate’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ShippingRate’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SourceAcceptanceParams’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SourceAcceptanceParams’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSource’s flow field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SourceMandateParams’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SourceMandateParams’s notification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SourceRedirectFlow’s failure_reason field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SourceRedirectFlow’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSourceReceiver’s refund_attributes_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Source’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Source’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Source’s usage field.

An error encountered when communicating with the Stripe API.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscription’s billing_cycle_anchor field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionPendingInvoiceItemInterval’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionItemPriceDataRecurring’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionItemPriceData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscription’s payment_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateSubscriptionItem’s proration_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionScheduleDefaultSettings’s billing_cycle_anchor field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionScheduleDefaultSettings’s collection_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionScheduleDefaultSettingsParams’s billing_cycle_anchor field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionSchedule’s end_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionSchedulePhaseConfiguration’s billing_cycle_anchor field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionSchedule’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Subscription’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ListSubscriptions’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionsResourcePauseCollection’s behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionsResourcePaymentSettings’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an SubscriptionsResourcePaymentSettings’s save_default_payment_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TaxIdData’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TaxIdVerification’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TaxRate’s tax_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TerminalReader’s device_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TerminalReaderReaderResourceReaderAction’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TerminalReaderReaderResourceReaderAction’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TerminalReaderReaderResourceSetReaderDisplayAction’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TestHelpersTestClock’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Token’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an Topup’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an ListTopups’s status field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TransferScheduleParams’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TransferScheduleParams’s weekly_anchor field.

An enum representing the possible values of an CreateTransfer’s source_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TransformQuantity’s round field.

An enum representing the possible values of an TransformUsage’s round field.

A token, like the ones returned by Stripe.js.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateCustomerCashBalanceSettings’s reconciliation_mode field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderLineItemsPriceData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAlipay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s requested_address_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s funding_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsIdeal’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s preferred_locale field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsOxxo’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsP24’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s client field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderPaymentSettings’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderShippingCostShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMaximum’s unit field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderShippingCostShippingRateDataDeliveryEstimateMinimum’s unit field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderShippingCostShippingRateDataFixedAmountCurrencyOptions’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderShippingCostShippingRateData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderShippingCostShippingRateData’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderTaxDetails’s tax_exempt field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateOrderTaxDetailsTaxIds’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataEps’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataFpx’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataIdeal’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataP24’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataSofort’s country field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodData’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataUsBankAccount’s account_holder_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodDataUsBankAccount’s account_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAffirm’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAffirm’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAfterpayClearpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAlipay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAuBecsDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBacsDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsBoleto’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardInstallmentsPlan’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s amount_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s supported_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s network field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s requested_address_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalanceBankTransfer’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s funding_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCustomerBalance’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsEps’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsFpx’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGiropay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsGrabpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsIdeal’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s preferred_locale field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsKonbini’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s capture_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsLink’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsOxxo’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsP24’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsPaynow’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsPromptpay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSepaDebit’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsSofort’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountFinancialConnections’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountNetworks’s requested field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s client field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentIntentPaymentMethodOptionsWechatPay’s setup_future_usage field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentLinkAfterCompletion’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentLink’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentLinkShippingAddressCollection’s allowed_countries field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePaymentMethodUsBankAccount’s account_holder_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdatePriceCurrencyOptions’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntent’s flow_directions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataEps’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataFpx’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataIdeal’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataP24’s bank field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataSofort’s country field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodData’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataUsBankAccount’s account_holder_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodDataUsBankAccount’s account_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s default_for field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s payment_schedule field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s amount_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s supported_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountFinancialConnections’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountNetworks’s requested field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSetupIntentPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateShippingRateFixedAmountCurrencyOptions’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSourceSourceOrderItems’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPauseCollection’s behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebitMandateOptions’s transaction_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsAcssDebit’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsBancontact’s preferred_language field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCardMandateOptions’s amount_type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsCard’s request_three_d_secure field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccountFinancialConnections’s permissions field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptionsUsBankAccount’s verification_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPaymentSettings’s payment_method_types field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionPaymentSettings’s save_default_payment_method field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionSchedulePhases’s billing_cycle_anchor field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionSchedulePhasesItemsPriceDataRecurring’s interval field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UpdateSubscriptionSchedulePhasesItemsPriceData’s tax_behavior field.

An enum representing the possible values of an UsBankAccountNetworks’s supported field.

An enum representing the possible values of a UsageRecord’s account field.

An enum representing the possible values of an WalletDetails’s type field.

An enum representing the possible values of an WebhookEndpoint’s status field.

An error encountered when communicating with the Stripe API webhooks.


Implemented by types which represent stripe objects.

Type Definitions