[][src]Macro asn1_der::asn1_der_impl

macro_rules! asn1_der_impl {
    ($struct_name:ident { $($field_name:ident),+ }) => { ... };

This macro helps you to implement the DER-conversion-traits on your own structs

Usage: asn1_der_impl!(StructName{ field0_name, field1_name, ..., fieldN_name })


This example is not tested
struct Address {
	street: String,
	house_number: u64,
	postal_code: u64,
	state: String,
	country: String
asn1_der_impl!(Address{ street, house_number, postal_code, state, country }); // Now our struct supports all DER-conversion-traits

struct Customer {
	name: String,
	e_mail_address: String,
	postal_address: Address
asn1_der_impl!(Customer{ name, e_mail_address, postal_address }); // Now this struct supports all DER-conversion-traits too! It's only necessary that all fields implement the DER-conversion-traits

// Serialization:
let encoded = my_customer.clone().into_der_encoded(); // This returns a vector containing the DER-encoded representation of this customer (a sequence containing the struct's fields)

// Parsing:
let my_decoded_customer = Customer::from_der_encoded(encoded).unwrap(); // This returns our customer (if the data is valid)