Macro asn1_cereal::ber_sequence [] [src]

macro_rules! ber_sequence {
    ($rs_type:ident, [$($opts:tt)*], $asn1_ty:expr, $($args:tt)*) => { ... };
    ($rs_type:ident, $asn1_ty:expr, $($args:tt)*) => { ... };

This macro is a compact way of defining all three of the Asn1 traits - Asn1Info, BerSerialize and BerDeserialize - for a rust struct, that represents an ASN.1 sequence.

Note that the order the fields are placed in will affect the order that they are encoded to, and decoded from ASN.1. If some form of procedural macros are eventually stabilised, listing the fields in the macro might no longer be required.