Macro asn1_cereal::asn1_info [] [src]

macro_rules! asn1_info {
    ($rs_type:ty => $gen:ident, $($args:tt)*) => { ... };
    (__impl [$($args:tt)*], $asn1_ty:expr) => { ... };
    (__impl $class:expr, $tagnum:expr, $constructed:expr, $asn1_ty:expr) => { ... };
    (__impl $asn1_ty:expr) => { ... };
    (__type $asn1_ty:expr) => { ... };
    ($rs_type:ty, $($args:tt)*) => { ... };

This macro defines the Asn1Info trait for a rust type.

This information is used to match tag information during deserialization, so it should match the expected values in the ASN.1 stream.

#[macro_use] extern crate asn1_cereal; fn main() {
// For A ::= [APPLICATION 3] u64
struct A(u64);
asn1_info!(A, [APPLICATION 3], "A");

// For B ::= [PRIVATE 3] u64
struct B(u64);
asn1_info!(B, [PRIVATE 3], "B");

// For a primitive type, with application tag 3.
struct C(u64);
// (The false here sets the constructed flag).
asn1_info!(C, asn1_cereal::tag::Class::Application, 3, false, "C");

// For a type that won't have a tag.
struct D(i32);
asn1_info!(D, "D");

// For a type with a generic.
struct E<T>(T);
asn1_info!(E<T> => T, [PRIVATE 4], "E");