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Module for built-in filter functions

Contains all the built-in filter functions for use in templates. You can define your own filters, as well. For more information, read the book.



Absolute value

Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others lowercase.

Centers the value in a field of a given width

Escapes &, < and > in strings

Returns adequate string representation (in KB, ..) of number of bytes

Formats arguments according to the specified format

Formats arguments according to the specified format

Indent lines with width spaces

Casts number to f64

Casts number to isize

Joins iterable into a string separated by provided argument

Serialize to JSON (requires json feature)

Replaces line breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML

Converts all newlines in a piece of plain text to HTML line breaks

Converts to lowercase

Alias for the lower() filter

Replaces only paragraph breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML

Marks a string (or other Display type) as safe

Strip leading and trailing whitespace

Limit string length, appends ‘…’ if truncated

Converts to uppercase

Alias for the upper() filter

Percent-encodes the argument for safe use in URI; does not encode /.

Percent-encodes the argument for safe use in URI; encodes /.

Count the words in that string

Serialize to YAML (requires serde_yaml feature)