Module asap::generator[][src]

This module contains all things relating to the generation of ASAP tokens. Use this module if you need to generate ASAP tokens or authorisation headers for outgoing requests.

// The identifier of the service that issues the token (`iss`).
let iss = "service01".to_string();
// The key id (`kid`) of the public key in your keyserver.
let kid = "service01/my-key-id".to_string();
// The `private_key` used to sign each token.
let private_key = include_bytes!("../support/keys/service01/1530402390-private.der").to_vec();

let mut generator = Generator::new(iss, kid, private_key);

// You can then use the generator to create ASAP tokens:

// The intended audience of your token:
let aud = Aud::One("target-service".to_string());
// You can add custom extra claims too if you need:
let extra_claims: Option<DefaultClaims> = None;

// Authorization tokens: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV..."
generator.token::<DefaultClaims>(aud, extra_claims).unwrap();
// Or authorization headers: "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV..."
// generator.auth_header(aud, extra_claims).unwrap();

You may also provide extra claims to your generated token, as long as your struct can be serialised and deserialised:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct ExtraClaims {
    foo: String,
    bar: i64,
    baz: Vec<String>

let extra_claims = Some(ExtraClaims {
    foo: "foo".to_string(),
    bar: 1234,
    baz: vec!["baz".to_string()]

generator.token(aud, extra_claims).unwrap();



An ASAP generator.