[][src]Macro asana_sdk::model

macro_rules! model {
    ($name:ident $endpoint:literal { $( $field:ident: $fty:ty ),* $(,)? } $( $include:ident),* $(,)? ) => { ... };

A macro for generating Asana model structs


The example below will generate a User struct, linked to the /users Asana endpoint.

  • It will include & deserialize the email & name fields as Strings.
  • The fields gid and resource_type are included by default, and don't have to be specified.

Any extra fields returned from the Asana API are flattened by [Serde] into a [Hashmap]:

use asana_sdk::models::Model;

model!(User "users" {
    email: String,
    name: String,

Comma-separated includes are defined after the struct. Their deserialization type must be indicated within the struct. This will usually be a Vec<Type> or Option<Type>.

This example is suitable for getting a set of Tasks, with the set of Projects that tasks belongs to, and the Assignee the task is assigned to. Of course, you can include more fields than just name on the includes.

model!(Assignee "assignee" {
    name: String

model!(Project "projects" {
    name: String

model!(Tasks "tasks" {
    name: String,
    assignee: Option<Assignee>
    projects: Vec<Project>
} Project, Assignee);