Expand description

Contains traits and implementations of multi-data used in SIMD. The actual representation is driven by the feature flag "simd", which, if set, uses std::simd.


Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type

Multi-Data correspondence of the native type


Describes the ability to convert itself from a BitChunk.

A struct that lends itself well to be compiled leveraging SIMD

Trait implemented by some NativeType that have a SIMD representation.