Module arrow::compute::kernels

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Computation kernels on Arrow Arrays


Defines aggregations over Arrow arrays.
Defines basic arithmetic kernels for PrimitiveArrays.
Defines kernels suitable to perform operations to primitive arrays.
Defines boolean kernels on Arrow BooleanArray’s, e.g. AND, OR and NOT.
Defines cast kernels for ArrayRef, to convert Arrays between supported datatypes.
Comparison kernels for Arrays.
Defines concat kernel for ArrayRef
Defines filter kernels
Defines kernel for length of string arrays and binary arrays
Defines miscellaneous array kernels.
Defines partition kernel for ArrayRef
Defines kernel to extract substrings based on a regular expression of a [Large]StringArray
Defines sort kernel for ArrayRef
Defines kernel to extract a substring of an Array Supported array types: GenericStringArray, GenericBinaryArray, FixedSizeBinaryArray, DictionaryArray
Defines take kernel for Array
Defines temporal kernels for time and date related functions.
Defines windowing functions, like shifting


Cast array to the provided data type and return a new Array with type to_type, if possible.