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Conversion methods for dates and times.


Number of days between 0001-01-01 and 1970-01-01
Number of microseconds in a second
Number of milliseconds in a second
Number of milliseconds in a day
Number of nanoseconds in a second
Number of seconds in a day


converts a i32 representing a date32 to NaiveDateTime
converts a i64 representing a date64 to NaiveDateTime
converts a i64 representing a duration(ms) to Duration
converts a i64 representing a duration(ns) to Duration
converts a i64 representing a duration(s) to Duration
converts a i64 representing a duration(us) to Duration
converts a i32 representing a time32(ms) to NaiveDateTime
converts a i32 representing a time32(s) to NaiveDateTime
converts a i64 representing a time64(ns) to NaiveDateTime
converts a i64 representing a time64(us) to NaiveDateTime
converts a i64 representing a timestamp(ms) to NaiveDateTime
converts a i64 representing a timestamp(ns) to NaiveDateTime
converts a i64 representing a timestamp(s) to NaiveDateTime
converts a i64 representing a timestamp(us) to NaiveDateTime