Module arrow_array::array

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The concrete array definitions



  • Array of bools
  • A dictionary array where each element is a single value indexed by an integer key. This is mostly used to represent strings or a limited set of primitive types as integers, for example when doing NLP analysis or representing chromosomes by name.
  • An array where each element is a fixed-size sequence of bytes.
  • A list array where each element is a fixed-size sequence of values with the same type whose maximum length is represented by a i32.
  • Generic struct for variable-size byte arrays
  • Generic struct for a variable-size list array.
  • A nested array type where each record is a key-value map. Keys should always be non-null, but values can be null.
  • This struct is used as an adapter when creating PrimitiveArray from an iterator. FromIterator for PrimitiveArray takes an iterator where the elements can be into this struct. So once implementing From or Into trait for a type, an iterator of the type can be collected to PrimitiveArray.
  • An Array where all elements are nulls
  • Array whose elements are of primitive types.
  • A run-end encoding (REE) is a variation of run-length encoding (RLE).
  • A nested array type where each child (called field) is represented by a separate array.
  • A strongly-typed wrapper around a DictionaryArray that implements ArrayAccessor allowing fast access to its elements
  • A strongly-typed wrapper around a RunArray that implements ArrayAccessor and IntoIterator allowing fast access to its elements
  • An Array that can represent slots of varying types.


  • Trait for dealing with different types of array at runtime when the type of the array is not known in advance.
  • A generic trait for accessing the values of an Array
  • trait declaring an offset size, relevant for i32 vs i64 array types.


  • Constructs an array using the input data. Returns a reference-counted Array instance.
  • Creates a new empty array
  • Creates a new array of data_type of length length filled entirely of NULL values

Type Definitions