initSidebarItems({"macro":[["array_mut_ref!","You can use `array_mut_ref` to generate a mutable array reference to a subset of a sliceable bit of data (which could be an array, or a slice, or a Vec)."],["array_ref!","You can use `array_ref` to generate an array reference to a subset of a sliceable bit of data (which could be an array, or a slice, or a Vec)."],["array_refs!","You can use `array_refs` to generate a series of array references to an input array reference. The idea is if you want to break an array into a series of contiguous and non-overlapping arrays."],["mut_array_refs!","You can use `mut_array_refs` to generate a series of mutable array references to an input mutable array reference. The idea is if you want to break an array into a series of contiguous and non-overlapping arrays."]]});