[][src]Function arrayfire::approx1_uniform

pub fn approx1_uniform<T, P>(
    input: &Array<T>,
    pos: &Array<P>,
    interp_dim: i32,
    start: f64,
    step: f64,
    method: InterpType,
    off_grid: f32
) -> Array<T> where
    T: HasAfEnum + FloatingPoint,
    P: HasAfEnum + RealFloating

Perform signal interpolation for 1d signals along specified dimension


  • input is the input Array
  • pos Array contains the interpolation locations
  • interp_dim is the dimension along which interpolation is performed
  • start is the first index along interp_dim
  • step is the uniform spacing value between subsequent indices along interp_dim
  • method indicates the type of interpolation method that be used. It is of type enum InterpType
  • off_grid is the value that will set in the output Array when certain index is out of bounds

Return Values

An Array with interpolated values