var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["array_tool"] = {"doc":"# Array Tool","items":[[5,"uniques","array_tool","Get `uniques` from two vectors",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"vec"},{"name":"vec"}],"output":{"name":"vec"}}],[0,"vec","","Array Tool provides many useful methods for vectors",null,null],[8,"Uniq","array_tool::vec","Several different methods for getting, or evaluating, uniqueness.",null,null],[10,"uniq","","`uniq` returns a vector of unique values within itself as compared to\nthe other vector which is provided as an input parameter.",0,null],[10,"unique","","`unique` removes duplicates from within the vector and returns Self.",0,null],[10,"is_unique","","`is_unique` returns boolean value on whether all values within\nSelf are unique.",0,null],[8,"Shift","","Removes, or Adds, the first element of self.",null,null],[10,"shift","","Removes and returns the first item from the vector",1,null],[10,"unshift","","Insert item at the beginning of the vector. No return value.",1,null],[8,"Intersect","","Set Intersection — Returns a new array containing elements common to the two arrays,\nexcluding any duplicates. The order is preserved from the original array.",null,null],[10,"intersect","","# Example\n```\nuse array_tool::vec::Intersect;",2,null],[8,"Join","","Join vector of ToString capable things to a String with given delimiter.",null,null],[10,"join","","# Example\n```\nuse array_tool::vec::Join;",3,null],[8,"Times","","Expand and duplicate the vectors content `times` the integer given",null,null],[10,"times","","# Example\n```\nuse array_tool::vec::Times;",4,null],[8,"Union","","Create a `union` between two vectors.\nReturns a new vector by joining with other, excluding any duplicates and preserving\nthe order from the original vector.",null,null],[10,"union","","# Example\n```\nuse array_tool::vec::Union;",5,null],[0,"string","array_tool","A string is a collection so we should have more methods for handling strings.",null,null],[8,"Justify","array_tool::string","Justify - expand line to given width",null,null],[10,"justify_line","","# Example\n```\nuse array_tool::string::Justify;",6,null],[8,"SubstMarks","","Substitute string character for each index given",null,null],[10,"subst_marks","","# Example\n```\nuse array_tool::string::SubstMarks;",7,null],[8,"AfterWhitespace","","After whitespace",null,null],[10,"seek_end_of_whitespace","","Given offset method will seek from there to end of string to find the first\nnon white space. Resulting value is counted from offset.",8,null],[8,"WordWrap","","Word wrapping",null,null],[10,"word_wrap","","White space is treated as valid content and new lines will only be swapped in for\n the last white space character at the end of the given width. White space may reach beyond\n the width you've provided. You will need to trim end of lines in your own output (e.g.\n splitting string at each new line and printing the line with trim_right). Or just trust\n that lines that are beyond the width are just white space and only print the width -\n ignoring tailing white space.",9,null]],"paths":[[8,"Uniq"],[8,"Shift"],[8,"Intersect"],[8,"Join"],[8,"Times"],[8,"Union"],[8,"Justify"],[8,"SubstMarks"],[8,"AfterWhitespace"],[8,"WordWrap"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);