Expand description

A game engine for the board game Arimaa. This library provides the functionality to parse and display board states, generate sets of valid step based actions as well as take actions on those states.

Example: Initialize a new game state.

A new game state can be initialized from the GameState

use arimaa_engine_step::GameState;

let game_state = GameState::initial();

println!("{}", game_state);

Example: Parsing game states and actions.

A game state can also be read from a string as well as actions.

use arimaa_engine_step::{action, board};

let game_state = board!(
    8| h c d m e d c h |
    7| r r r r r r r r |
    6|     x     x     |
    5|                 |
    4|                 |
    3|     x     x     |
    2| R R R R R R R R |
    1| H C D M E D C H |
       a b c d e f g h"

let action = action!(d2n);
let game_state = game_state.take_action(&action);

Example: Generate valid steps

A game state can be used to generate a valid list of actions. These actions are based on a list of valid steps.

use arimaa_engine_step::{action, board};

let game_state = board!("
    8|           r     |
    7|                 |
    6|   R x   e x     |
    5|                 |
    4|                 |
    3|     x     x     |
    2|                 |
    1|                 |
       a b c d e f g h");

let valid_actions = game_state.valid_actions();

assert_eq!(&[action!(b6n), action!(b6e), action!(b6w)], &*valid_actions);

Example: Detect terminals

A game state can be used to determine if a terminal state has been reached.

use arimaa_engine_step::{Terminal, board, take_actions};

let game_state = board!("
    8|           r     |
    7|                 |
    6|   R x   e x     |
    5|                 |
    4|                 |
    3|     x     x     |
    2|                 |
    1|                 |
       a b c d e f g h");

assert_eq!(game_state.is_terminal(), None);

let game_state = take_actions!(game_state => b6n, b7n, p);

assert_eq!(game_state.is_terminal(), Some(Terminal::GoldWin));

Example: Generate moves

Generate a full set of unique moves.

use arimaa_engine_step::{take_actions, Action, GameState};
use std::collections::HashSet;

// Start a new game with a basic setup.
let game_state = GameState::initial();
let game_state = take_actions!(game_state => r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r);
let game_state = take_actions!(game_state => c, d, h, c, e, h, d, c);

let game_state = take_actions!(game_state => c, d, h, c, e, h, d, c);
let game_state = take_actions!(game_state => r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r);

fn recurse_actions_for_state(
    game_state: &GameState,
    actions: &[Action],
    moves: &mut Vec<(Vec<Action>, GameState)>,
    hashes: &mut HashSet<u64>,
) {
    let curr_player = game_state.is_p1_turn_to_move();

    // Go through each valid action for the current step in the move.
    for action in game_state.valid_actions() {
        let new_game_state = game_state.take_action(&action);

        // If the state was already explored in another transposition, then skip over that state.
        let game_state_hash = new_game_state.transposition_hash();
        if hashes.contains(&game_state_hash) {
        } else {

        let mut actions = actions.to_vec();

        // If the state is terminal or it is the end of the turn for the player, then it is a full move.
        if matches!(new_game_state.is_terminal(), Some(_)) || curr_player != new_game_state.is_p1_turn_to_move() {
            moves.push((actions, new_game_state));

        // A full move has not been reached, it is not terminal and it is still the same players turn.
        // Recurse to check the next set of valid steps in the move.
        recurse_actions_for_state(&new_game_state, &actions, moves, hashes);

let mut moves = vec![];
let mut hashes = HashSet::new();
recurse_actions_for_state(&game_state, &[], &mut moves, &mut hashes);

println!("Found {} unique moves", moves.len());
assert_eq!(moves.len(), 2467, "The setup should have 2467 unique moves.");

for (i, (actions, _game_state)) in moves.into_iter().enumerate() {
    println!("{}: {:?}", i, actions);

Example: Create a plane out of piece board bits

Creates a slice for a 8x8 board that would be used as an input plane for a neural network by taking the bits from the piece board plane and setting those matching bits into an array.

use arimaa_engine_step::{board, Piece};

let game_state = board!("
    8|           r     |
    7|                 |
    6|   R x   e x     |
    5|                 |
    4|                 |
    3|     x R r x     |
    2|                 |
    1|                 |
       a b c d e f g h");

let mut gold_rabbit_bits = game_state.piece_board().bits_for_piece(Piece::Rabbit, true);
let mut plane = [0; 64];

while gold_rabbit_bits != 0 {
    let bit_idx = gold_rabbit_bits.trailing_zeros() as usize;
    let removed_bit_idx = bit_idx;

    plane[removed_bit_idx] = 1;

    gold_rabbit_bits ^= 1 << bit_idx;

        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
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        0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
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        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,


pub use action::*;
pub use constants::*;
pub use direction::*;
pub use display::*;
pub use engine::*;
pub use linked_list::*;
pub use macros::*;
pub use piece::*;
pub use square::*;
pub use terminal::*;
pub use zobrist::Zobrist;

