Module argmin::core[][src]

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Core functionality Argmin Optimizaton toolbox core

This crate contains the core functionality of argmin. If you just want to run an optimization method, this is not what you are looking for. However, if you want to implement your own solver based on the argmin architecture, you should find all necessary tools here.


pub use executor::*;



Output parameter vectors to file


Loggers based on the slog crate



The datastructure which is returned by the next_iter method of the Solver trait.

A simple key-value storage

Final struct returned by the run method of Executor.

This type is necessary in order to be able to implement slog::KV on ArgminKV

A logger based on slog

The Error type, a wrapper around a dynamic error type.

Maintains the state from iteration to iteration of a solver

Minimal No-op operator which does nothing, really.

Fake Operators for testing No-op operator with free choice of the types

Container for observers which acts just like a single Observer by implementing Observe on it.

This wraps an operator and keeps track of how often the cost, gradient and Hessian have been computed and how often the modify function has been called. Usually, this is an implementation detail unless a solver is needed within another solver (such as a line search within a gradient descent method).

Write parameter vectors to file


Argmin error type

Defines at which intervals a checkpoint is saved.

This is used to indicate how often the observer will observe the status. Never deactivates the observer, Always and Every(i) will call the observer in every or every ith iteration, respectively. NewBest will call the observer only, if a new best solution is found.

Indicates why the optimization algorithm stopped

Different kinds of serializers


Add a T to self

Return the conjugate

(Pointwise) Divide a T by self

Dot/scalar product of T and self

Identity matrix

Trait alias to simplify common trait bounds

Compute the inverse (T) of self

Defines a common interface for line search methods.

Minimum and Maximum of type T

(Pointwise) Multiply a T with self

Common interface for beta update methods (Nonlinear-CG)

Compute the l2-norm (U) of self

This trait needs to be implemented for every operator/cost function.

Create a random number

Add a T scaled by an U to self

Subtract a T scaled by an U from self

Subtract a T from self

Return the transpose (U) of self

Defines a common interface to methods which calculate approximate steps for trust region methods.

Dot/scalar product of T and self weighted by W (p^TWv)

Return param vector of all zeros (for now, this is a hack. It should be done better)

Zero for dynamically sized objects

Defines the interface every Observer needs to expose



Load a checkpoint from disk