[][src]Module arenavec::region

This module provides a statically-borrow-checked arena implementation.

It is relatively intuitive to use -- all objects in the arena are tied to the lifetime of a so-called generation token that is handed exclusively by the arena. As soon as the token is dropped, the arena is cleared. This way, the borrow-checker statically verifies that no objects in the arena live beyond a certain point.

The drawback of this approach is that some scenarios cannot be handled with statically-known lifetimes, for instance if the arena-allocated objects have dynamic lifetimes depending on user input or other factors only known at runtime. In such cases the reference-counted arena found in the rc module might be a better fit.



A statically checked arena (non-MT-safe).


A handle to the arena for the current generation.


A proxy for an arena that actually allows allocation.

Type Definitions


An arena allocated, fixed-size sequence of objects


An arena allocated, sequential, resizable vector