Crate arecibo

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This library implements Nova, a high-speed recursive SNARK.


  • Global Nova constants
  • This module defines errors returned by the library.
  • This module implements various gadgets necessary for Nova and applications built with Nova.
  • This module implements Nova’s traits using the following several different combinations
  • This module defines R1CS related types and a folding scheme for Relaxed R1CS
  • This module implements RelaxedR1CSSNARKTrait using Spartan that is generic over the polynomial commitment and evaluation argument (i.e., a PCS) We provide two implementations, one in (which does not use any preprocessing) and another in (which uses preprocessing to keep the verifier’s state small if the PCS provides a succinct verifier) We also provide that allows proving a step circuit directly with either of the two SNARKs.
  • SuperNova Description
  • This module defines various traits required by the users of the library to implement.


  • This implementation behaves in ways specific to the halo2curves suite of curves in:
  • Macros to give syntactic sugar for zipWith pattern and variatns.
  • Like zip_with but use for_each instead of map.


  • A type that holds parameters for the primary and secondary circuits of Nova and SuperNova
  • A SNARK that proves the knowledge of a valid RecursiveSNARK
  • A type that holds the prover key for CompressedSNARK
  • A type that holds public parameters of Nova
  • A SNARK that proves the correct execution of an incremental computation
  • A resource buffer for RecursiveSNARK for storing scratch values that are computed by prove_step, which allows the reuse of memory allocations and avoids unnecessary new allocations in the critical section.
  • A type that holds the verifier key for CompressedSNARK
