[][src]Module ardop_interface::tnc

Interface to the ARDOP modem

This module contains:

  • ArdopTnc: The main interface to ARDOP
  • DiscoveredPeer: A peer discovered by monitoring
  • PingAck: Responses to ping requests
  • TncError: Errors which occur with the local ARDOP TNC, such as a broken TCP connection
  • TncResult: The Result type for TNC operations.


use std::net::SocketAddr;
use futures::prelude::*;

use ardop_interface::tnc::*;

async fn main() {
   let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
   let mut tnc = ArdopTnc::new(&addr, "MYC4LL")
   match tnc.version().await {
        Ok(version) => println!("Connected to TNC version {}", version),
        Err(e) => println!("Can't query TNC version: {}", e)
   if let Err(e) = tnc.set_gridsquare("EM00").await {
        println!("Can't set GRIDSQUARE: {}", e);

TNC Commands

ardop_interface supports the following common TNC commands. More commands are listed on the ArdopTnc page.

All commands are sent with a reasonable (and adjustable) timeout. If the TNC fails to respond in a timely manner, a TncError is raised.

Error Handling

Most operations on the ArdopTnc return a TncResult. If the TNC rejects your command, then the Err() half of the result will be set to the reason for the failure. For example, attempting to make an ARQ connection while already connected will probably raise a TNC error.

TNC operations which interface with a remote peer can also fail. These failures are contained in an inner error structure. For example, if a peer rejects a connection due to a bandwidth mismatch, then connect() will return Ok(Err(ConnectionFailedReason::IncompatibleBandwidth)). The outer error indicates that the TNC successfully attempted the command, and the inner error indicates that the peer rejected (or did not answer) it.



TNC Interface


ARDOP Discovered Peer


ARDOP Ping Response



Result of ArdopTnc::listen_monitor()


Errors raised by the Tnc interface

Type Definitions


Composite Ok/Err return type