Expand description


arctic is a library for interacting with bluetooth Polar heart rate devices. It uses btleplug as the bluetooth backend which supports Windows, Mac, and Linux


Example of how to use the library to keep track of heart rate from a Polar H10

use arctic::{async_trait, Error as ArcticError, EventHandler, NotifyStream, PolarSensor, HeartRate};

struct Handler;

impl EventHandler for Handler {
    // Handler for heart rate events
    async fn heart_rate_update(&self, _ctx: &PolarSensor, heartrate: HeartRate) {
        println!("Heart rate: {:?}", heartrate);

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Create a new PolarSensor with a specific ID.
    // The ID is found on the device itself.
    let mut polar = PolarSensor::new("7B45F72B".to_string()).await.unwrap();

    // Simple loop to continue looking for the device until it's found
    while !polar.is_connected().await {
        match polar.connect().await {
            Err(ArcticError::NoBleAdaptor) => {
                // If there's no bluetooth adapter this library cannot work, so return.
                println!("No bluetooth adapter found");
                return Ok(());
            Err(why) => println!("Could not connect: {:?}", why),
            _ => {}

    // Subscribe to heart rate events
    if let Err(why) = polar.subscribe(NotifyStream::HeartRate).await {
        println!("Could not subscribe to heart rate notifications: {:?}", why)

    // Set the event handler to our struct defined above

    // Run the event loop until it ends
    let result = polar.event_loop().await;
    println!("No more data: {:?}", result);


Struct to store acceleration from the PMD data stream

Struct that has access to the PMD control point point and PMD data

Store data returned from the device after a write to the control point

Struct to store ECG from the PMD data stream

Structure to contain HR data and RR interval

Struct for reveiving measurement type data on PMD data

The core Polar device structure. Keeps track of connection and event dispatching.

Struct to store the settings for a specific stream on your device

Struct that reads what features are available on your device


Command options to write to the control point

Response code returned after a write to PMD control point

Error type for general errors and Ble errors from btleplug

List of measurement types you can request

A list of stream types that can be subscribed to

Enum to store which kind of data was received


Trait for handling events coming from a device

Type Definitions

Result simplification type

Attribute Macros