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Apple Bundle Resources

Resources located in an app, framework, or plugin bundle.

A bundle is a directory with a standardized hierarchical structure that holds executable code and the resources used by that code. The bundle contains resources that may be accessed at runtime, such as images, audio files, user interface files, and property lists.

Official documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources


pub use plist;



Information Property List



Deserializes an instance of type T from a byte slice.

Deserializes an instance of type T from a plist file of any encoding.

Deserializes an instance of type T from a seekable byte stream containing a plist of any encoding.

Deserializes an instance of type T from a byte stream containing an XML encoded plist.

Serializes the given data structure to a file as a binary encoded plist.

Serializes the given data structure to a file as an XML encoded plist.

Serializes the given data structure to a byte stream as a binary encoded plist.

Serializes the given data structure to a byte stream as an XML encoded plist.