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A blocking TelemetryClient API.

The blocking TelemetryClient will block the current thread to execute, instead of returning futures that need to be executed on a runtime.

Conversely, the functionality in appinsights::blocking must not be executed within an runtime, or it will panic when attempting to block. If calling directly from an function, consider using an async appinsights::TelemetryClient instead.

use appinsights::blocking::TelemetryClient;

// configure telemetry client with default settings
let client = TelemetryClient::new("<instrumentation key>".to_string());

// send event telemetry to the Application Insights server
client.track_event("Application started");

// stop the client
// NOT it will **block** the current thread until


A blocking version of Application Insights telemetry client. It provides an interface to track telemetry items.