pub fn calculate_and_post<SolOutput, SolFn>(
    session: &str,
    year: impl Into<i32>,
    day: impl Into<i32>,
    part: impl Into<i32>,
    input_path: Option<impl AsRef<Path>>,
    cache_path: Option<impl AsRef<Path>>,
    solution: SolFn
) -> Result<()>where
    SolOutput: Display,
    SolFn: Fn(&str) -> SolOutput,
Expand description

Fetches the challenge input, calculate the answer, and post it to the AoC website

Will cache the input at path if provided

Returns Ok(()) if answer was correct or has already been given

Returns Err(Error::Incorrect) if the answer was wrong

Returns Err(Error::RateLimit(String)) if you are being rate-limited