Macro anterofit::fields [] [src]

macro_rules! fields {
    ($($key:expr $(=> $val:expr)*),*) => { ... };

Serialize a series of fields as the request body (form-encode them).

Each field can be a key-value pair, or a single identifier. The key (field name) should be a string literal, and the value can be anything that is Display.

For a single identifier, the identifier will be stringified for the field name, and its value will become the field value:

service! {
    pub trait RegisterService {
        fn register(&self, username: &str, password: &str) {
            fields! {
                "username" => username,
                // Equivalent to "password" => password

By default, this will serialize to a www-form-urlencoded body.

However, if you use the path!() or stream!() macros as a value expression, it will transform the request to a multipart/form-data request.

Overwrites Body

Setting a new body will overwrite any previous body on the request.


If the request is a GET request (cannot have a body).

In some server stacks (e.g. PHP), these would be called POST parameters.