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Lossy conversion between ANSI Color Codes
- palette
- Popular color palettes for
- ansi_
to_ rgb - Lossily convert from 4-bit color to RGB
- color_
to_ ansi - Lossily convert from any color to 4-bit color
- color_
to_ rgb - Lossily convert from any color to RGB
- color_
to_ xterm - Lossily convert from any color to 256-color
- rgb_
to_ ansi - Lossily convert an RGB value to a 4-bit color
- rgb_
to_ xterm - Lossily convert an RGB value to the 256-color palette
- xterm_
to_ ansi - Lossily convert from the 256-color palette to 4-bit color
- xterm_
to_ rgb - Lossily convert from 256-color to RGB