Expand description

anomaly.rs: Error context library with support for type-erased sources and backtraces.


anomaly.rs is an error library which provides support for concrete, generic error types along with type-erased error sources/chains and backtraces.

Full support for all features is available on stable Rust.


Below is some example boilerplate for how to define error types for your project using anomaly.rs.

This example uses the thiserror crate to provide custom derive support, however it is not required: you can use any type which impls the standard set of error traits (Display, Debug, and std::error::Error) as your ErrorKind type:

use anomaly::{BoxError, Context};
use thiserror::Error;

/// Use this type alias as your error type when returning `Result`.
/// Internally it's defined as `Error(Box<Context<ErrorKind>>)` and
/// ensures propagation of errors is a cheap pointer copy.
pub type Error = anomaly::Error<ErrorKind>;

/// An error kind type containing a domain-specific error categorization.
/// You can convert this into the `Error` type above (and capture a
/// backtrace in the process) by using `.into()`.
/// This example uses the `thiserror::Error` procedural macro to impl the
/// `Display` and `std::error::Error` traits, however you don't have to and
/// can impl them yourself or using another error crate of your choosing.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum ErrorKind {
    /// See `thiserror` documentation for the `#[error]` attribute
    #[error("invalid argument: {name}")]
    Argument {
        name: String

    #[error("encoding error")]

    #[error("value overflowed")]

impl ErrorKind {
   /// Add additional context (i.e. include a source error and capture
   /// a backtrace).
   /// You can convert the resulting `Context` into an `Error` by calling
   /// `.into()`.
   pub fn context(self, source: impl Into<BoxError>) -> Context<ErrorKind> {
       Context::new(self, Some(source.into()))

serde support

The serializer Cargo feature of this crate enables serde serialization support for errors, useful for structured logging of error kinds, their backtraces, and their sources.

When enabled, it adds a SerializedError type, as well as serde::Serialize impls on the Context and Error types.

These serializers preserve the full structure of your ErrorKind. For that reasion, your ErrorKind must also impl serde::Serialize.


pub use backtrace;


Ensure a condition holds, returning an error if it doesn’t (ala assert)

Create and return an error with a formatted Message.

Create a new error (of a given kind) with a formatted Message as its source.


Error context: stores an error source (as a BoxError) and backtrace along with an error Kind.

Error type which is generic around a Kind.

Error message type: provide additional context with a string.

Serializable error type, useful for sending to exception reporting systems.

Type Definitions

Box containing a thread-safe + 'static error suitable for use as a as an std::error::Error::source.