Expand description

This module provides wrapper for angles to indicate in wich unit to convert them to display them or (de)serialize them.


Angle types didn’t implement Display trait because they don’t have canonical unit.

Unit wrapper implement the Display trait by writting the angle value in the desired unit followed by the unit symbole.

let angle = 90.0_f32.deg();

let rad = Radians(angle);
let deg = Degrees(angle);
let turns = Turns(angle);

assert_eq!(format!("{rad}"), "1.5707964 rad");
assert_eq!(format!("{deg}"), "90°");
assert_eq!(format!("{turns}"), "0.25 tr");


By default, angle types (de)serialize into/from radians. By using a unit wrapper, the value is (de)serialize into/from the desire unit.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Foo {
    rad: Radians<Angle<f32>>,
    deg: Degrees<Angle<f32>>,
    tr: Turns<Angle<f32>>,

let json = serde_json::json!{
        "rad": 1.0,
        "deg": 90.0,
        "tr": 0.5,

let foo: Foo = serde_json::from_value(json).unwrap();

assert_float_eq!(foo.rad.0.to_radians(), 1.0, abs <= 0.000001);
assert_float_eq!(foo.deg.0.to_degrees(), 90.0, abs <= 0.000001);
assert_float_eq!(foo.tr.0.to_turns(), 0.5, abs <= 0.000001);


Unit wrapper to manipulate angle in degrees.

Unit wrapper to manipulate angle in radians.

Unit wrapper to manipulate angle in turns.