    // Attributes available to this derive:
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Implements an Accounts deserializer on the given struct, applying any constraints specified via inert #[account(..)] attributes upon deserialization.


pub struct Auth<'info> {
    #[account(mut, has_one = authority)]
    pub data: ProgramAccount<'info, MyData>,
    pub authority: AccountInfo<'info>,

pub struct MyData {
  authority: Pubkey,
  protected_data: u64,

Here, any instance of the Auth struct created via try_accounts is guaranteed to have been both

  • Signed by authority.
  • Checked that &data.authority == authority.key.

The full list of available attributes is as follows.

#[account(signer)]On raw AccountInfo structs.Checks the given account signed the transaction.
#[account(mut)]On AccountInfo, ProgramAccount or CpiAccount structs.Marks the account as mutable and persists the state transition.
#[account(init)]On ProgramAccount structs.Marks the account as being initialized, skipping the account discriminator check.
#[account(belongs_to = <target>)]On ProgramAccount or CpiAccount structsChecks the target field on the account matches the target field in the struct deriving Accounts.
#[account(has_one = <target>)]On ProgramAccount or CpiAccount structsSemantically different, but otherwise the same as belongs_to.
#[account(seeds = [<seeds>])]On AccountInfo structsSeeds for the program derived address an AccountInfo struct represents.
#[account("<literal>")]On any type deriving AccountsExecutes the given code literal as a constraint. The literal should evaluate to a boolean.
#[account(rent_exempt = <skip>)]On AccountInfo or ProgramAccount structsOptional attribute to skip the rent exemption check. By default, all accounts marked with #[account(init)] will be rent exempt, and so this should rarely (if ever) be used. Similarly, omitting = skip will mark the account rent exempt.